Compatriots from the United Kingdom try to return to Lithuania by any means: they look for flights through other countries, they ask to return by truck


“Some really took it very painfully, there was a lot of stress and excitement, some people still went to the airport. There were actually dozens of people at Luton airport this morning who didn’t read the messages, they weren’t interested in yesterday, they didn’t read the messages from the airline, it was very disappointing, because the news flooded right after entering the airport. ” said A. Černiauskaitė on Knowledge Radio on Monday.

According to her, a part of the population looks for the last opportunities to get to Lithuania, they look for flights through other countries, they even ask for trips by cranes.

“There are some groups of our Lithuanians in the UK, it was interesting to know if it would be possible to use trucks to transport products to Lithuania. Currently, both ferries and the euro tunnel are suspended for passengers and France for 48 hours. you must continue to decide what the restrictions will be. Some people are waiting for it and will see it as it is. Some are trying to divide at the last minute in those countries that have not closed, but the entrances are not everywhere, so the stress level of some people is very high, “said the president of the Lithuanian community in the UK.

However, he noted that people who had come to Britain for a short time on business were the most inconvenient, as well as the British themselves, who were trying to catch arriving planes to fly to their homeland.

“Currently, those who return for Christmas, react more calmly, because they understand and thus the restriction was announced in Lithuania, they reconciled somewhat. (…) They are not as stressful as those people who have come temporarily, for work or business reasons, only for a week, a couple of days, ”said A. Černiauskaitė.

A microbiologist on an observed coronavirus mutation: this is a natural phenomenon

However, Rolandas Meškys, a microbiologist interviewed on Žinių radio, a professor at the VU Life Sciences Center, says that before any personal plan, it is necessary to think about the general situation of the pandemic.

Rolandas Meškys

Rolandas Meškys

© Photo by E.Kurauskas

“It just came to our notice then. If you know that there is such a disgusting situation, you should consider those trips in principle, no matter how granular they may be. Don’t get together or anything like that. These are questions of self-discipline and how much you want to react to improve. the situation, ”said R. Meškys.

Alvija Černiauskaitė

Alvija Černiauskaitė

© Alvija Černiauskaitė

According to him, virus mutations in Lithuania are monitored by individual scientists, however, the microbiologist emphasized that virus strains are basically a common phenomenon in nature.

“Mutations are constant, most of the virus has no value, so it does not spread. The more infected people there are, the more likely it is that a beneficial mutation for the virus will be established. It is a matter of eternal struggle,” he said. the VU teacher.

According to him, the faster spread of the virus means that a large part of the population will need to be vaccinated.

“If the virus spreads more slowly, vaccination can reach 30-40%. And this is enough to obtain herd immunity. In the case of the coronavirus, 60-70% would be needed, but if we remember a disease like measles , which spreads even faster, then to protect the population, it is necessary to guarantee almost 95% immunity, “explained R. Meškys.

The professor also noted that researchers have another task: to find a cure for a coronavirus infection.

“There should be no panic, you have to understand it and manage it here. For ordinary people, the only answer is: you don’t want the virus to mutate quickly, not to spread the disease. It is a simple response to pain, “added the scientist.
