Companies with more than 250 employees may also receive grants


The Ministry of Economy and Innovation says that the subsidy package is aimed at small and medium-sized companies, but companies with more than 250 employees will also be eligible for the benefits. Previously, these companies were not included in the lists of beneficiaries.

“It is planned to take into account the expectations of the business community so that more affected companies can receive assistance. If the changes are approved, those companies with more than 250 employees will also be able to receive subsidies, if they meet other criteria for small and medium companies defined by law, ”the ministry commented on the SNB.

According to the ministry, the previous government had foreseen that companies with an annual turnover of at least 30% could apply for subsidies. fell from March to October, but now it is proposed to change this time, from October to the end of January 2021. However, the government can change this period on Wednesday.

“We have a second wave of COVID-19 and a company undergoing quarantine restrictions. To help companies affected by the second wave of coronavirus, this period will be adjusted to take into account the limitations of the second quarantine period,” said the ministry.

It is expected that companies can submit applications in the first half of January.

“Currently the second Business Support Package is being prepared, which will focus on companies whose activities during the quarantine have been significantly affected by more than 30% identified in the first phase. the criteria for the drop in billing ”, explained the ministry.

According to her, it is also planned to help the largest companies affected by the second wave of quarantine. It is planned to present the support project to the social partners in early January and to coordinate them with the European Commission as a matter of urgency, taking into account their proposals.

The government approved a new aid plan for small and medium-sized companies in December. Companies whose turnover decreased by 30%. or more, may receive one-time grants ranging from € 500 to € 800,000 for free. euros.

Affected companies will be eligible for grants if their annual revenue did not exceed 50 million last year. At the end of 2019, the book value of the assets did not exceed 43 million euros. euros.
