Companies criticize government work but admit to being used to stupid instructions Business


Raimondas Pranka, director of the Lithuanian Bars and Cafes Association, says he does not understand why there are major restrictions for passport holders.

“This solution should improve the business situation and increase vaccination and testing of people so that they are more willing. Why such a passport of opportunity if the restrictions are still high? We see no logic at all,” asked R. Prank rhetorically .

It was also asked why the opening hours of the bars were extended by only one hour.

We see the new government-approved quarantine releases paradoxically: the idea of ​​a passport to opportunities is disappearing.

The idea disappears

“We are paradoxical with the new government-approved quarantine releases: the idea of ​​a passport to opportunities is disappearing. We are happy to let customers enter the bars, but the current situation presupposes that it is not possible for their holders to be outside with their passports, ”he said. 15 minutes interlocutor.

R. Prank was also surprised by the fact that with a possibility passport there can be up to ten people inside, but only five outside.

“We do not understand such nuances. We sit in the place of a fool and wait,” he said.

A. Prank hopes that adjustments will be made before they take effect, otherwise we will have to work as instructed.

“It just came to our attention then. But maybe we can fix something else. We will work on such solutions, but we don’t see the logic,” he said.

Traders are happy

Decisions made at Wednesday’s government meeting were most gratifyingly made by the commercial sector. From now on, working hours are no longer limited for merchants, they return to normal working hours, leaving only compliance with safety requirements.

Therefore, there are no longer different operating conditions, when one type of activity could be used and another could not.

“Our only concern is that there will be no closures in the future. I don’t know if we could show that even in a difficult pandemic situation, traders could work safely,” said Rūta Vainienė, director of the trade association.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min / Rūta Vainienė

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min / Rūta Vainienė

According to her, people want to go back to supermarkets, there are certain uncomfortable products to buy online.

People want to go back to the malls.

R.Vainienė also pointed out that merchants’ stocks are seasonal, turnover is huge. It is not easy to sell them without losses.

“The most important thing is the safety requirements. Oh, as the epidemiological situation changes, you should try to complicate or ease the requirements, but never take the route of closing a business. We have examples that when you receive state support, it is difficult keep the business, ”says R.Vainienė.

Comparing last year’s restrictions with current ones, 15 minutes the interlocutors said they did not see the difference. In his opinion, the traffic restrictions may still be justified, but not over time.

The order of events also raised many questions. R. Prank says that after understanding the Government meeting, the Prime Minister herself did not fully understand what and how is allowed and what is not.

VIDEO: The government has published part of the quarantine requirements: cafes will last longer, communication between households will be free
