companies complain of staff shortages, the latter with high workloads and low wages


Dalia Matukienė, president of the Lithuanian Council of Small and Medium Enterprises, says that people are more likely to receive state support and work illegally. More than 200 thousand people are registered in the Employment Service. unemployed, and the business, according to their data, lacks about 40 thousand. workers.

“If there are 40 thousand vacancies and nobody comes, it is very difficult for a business to work, it has been closed for so long, it could not operate, now it is possible to work, and there is no one, because everyone sits in the Employment Service and receives money from the state, ”D. Matukienė told BNS.

According to her, such a situation may have arisen due to the quarantine: some remain inactive, receive support and do not want to work, others choose a job search benefit.

“This employment problem needs to be tackled from the lowest level: from the districts where people know each other, they know who they are, what they can do, and then it will be in a completely different way for both the employees and the employers to have those employees and everyone else in the community, existing groups of people, ”said D. Matukienė.

“Support should be for those who need it most, not for those who parasitize and earn their living from it,” he added.

The Lithuanian Council of Small and Medium Enterprises intends to discuss the issue of staff shortages at a meeting on Thursday, to which representatives of the Employment Service, the Presidency and other institutions were also invited.

At the time, Kristina Krupavičienė, president of the Lithuanian union Solidarumas, said that state support was very limited, therefore only a small part used it, but workers were reluctant to return to work because they were pressured to work for more. of the same salary.

“The main reason is the lack of communication with the company. The workload has increased significantly and wages are not increasing,” K. Krupavičienė told BNS.

“Women are assigned 0.5 full-time positions in cleaning companies, and the area must be cleaned more than 2 thousand square meters and have to come to work every day, and the salary – 370 euros in hand. There is pressure from employers and then they complain that they cannot find employees, ”he said.

According to a union representative, some people who worked during the quarantine expected to have a vacation in the summer, but left the job without the business giving it to them.

“The cafes started to work, but some people hoped to have vacations and they did not get them because the business started working again. Those people also worked during the quarantine because they were preparing take-home food and hoping to rest. A person better chooses to quit work, take a vacation and come back later, ”said K. Krupavičienė.

According to data from the Employment Service, on June 1, 239.5 thousand people were registered in the country. unemployed people – 6.8 thousand. less than a month ago, but 35.8 thousand. more than last year at the same time.
