Companies are starting to weed out non-vaccinators – there’s a huge panic in the workplace


And unions are outraged that some companies are following the whip principle and kicking people out of work rather than looking for solutions.

Jolanta, who sells train tickets to residents every day, serves a large number of people. It is true that the woman admits that despite the threat of the coronavirus, she has long had doubts about the vaccine. And only the news of the mandatory tests every 7-10 days forced her to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

“I don’t like those tests. That made the decision easier, because the tests aren’t much better either,” says Jolanta.

Already, employees who refuse both the vaccine and the test are becoming a real headache for employers. According to the Government Resolution, certain professions (catering, services, employees of the transport sector who have not been vaccinated or have become ill with COVID-19) must be tested.

The state company Lietuvos Geležinkeliai does not express the words in watts: employees who have not been vaccinated and do not agree to undergo the test have already been removed from work and do not receive a salary. In total, Lithuania Railways has withdrawn 15 people working in the field of service and production.

Rolandas Šlepetys, Head of Safety and Risk Management: “They just said they weren’t vaccinated, they refused to produce any documents, they refused to show proof. For the sake of certainty, 19 workers have been laid off, but 4 have changed their minds, taken a test and returned to work. “

And Inga Česnakienė, the bar and gambling house manager, says the restaurant industry already has a shortage of people, so when employees of near-gold value are removed from work, there will be no one to go to work at all. .

Inga Česnakienė, manager of bars and casinos, says: “Business is business, you need a person who works. We think in every way, maybe let a person rest for a week and keep thinking. It seems that you will not be able to work in any workplace without being vaccinated and there will be no place for a person to disappear. “

More and more companies, merchants, hotel and restaurant owners are talking about layoffs.

The workers’ unions are outraged. Some companies say they follow the principle of the whip: they force employees to be vaccinated and tested through threats and pressure.

Employee reps say they are just guessing to read the complaints. People fear that employers will force them to get tested or vaccinated, and they also demand to say if they are vaccinated.

Inga Ruginienė, president of the Trade Union Confederation, says: “Today there is a lot of panic in the workplace and we are sorry for the many complaints we receive. The main complaints that employers begin to confuse the concepts of vaccination and testing, and at the same time force compulsory vaccination, are breaking the law by requiring you to say whether you have been vaccinated or not.

The Health Ministry maintains that those who refuse to be vaccinated or undergo mandatory testing by government decree should be offered telecommuting or other positions in the same workplace. And if there is no such possibility, a person can be removed from work indefinitely, he does not receive a salary.

“We hope in the conscience of the people that even a person, if he is removed, without receiving income, will draw some conclusions. Accept suggestions to continue the work or decide otherwise. We are going to work for an income, ”says Deputy Minister Aušra Bilotienė-Motiejūnienė.

With more and more people rushing to vaccination centers recently, President Gitanas Nausėda is happy to be vaccinated. According to the president, talking about restrictions is paying off, as vaccination rates have increased.

“We see that the percentage increases every day. We are stubbornly moving toward that 70 percent of the country’s adult population, today about 63 percent of adults. Maintaining that rate, we will probably be able to reach 70 percent in the first half of September, ”says G. Nausėda.

It is true that the Ministry of Social Security and Labor is talking about new restrictions. The Ministry has registered amendments to the Law on Social Security for Sickness and Maternity. It is proposed that those who have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus and become infected with COVID-19 do not receive sickness benefits. The exceptions would only apply to people who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons or for whom the vaccine was not available to them.
