Cololo’s closest friends decided to talk about the sudden death of a comedian


Almost 10 months have passed since the death of the comedian, actor and presenter of the event Vitalijus Cololo, but the pain caused is not repressed. Talking about the loss that made a special impact on Vitalius’ friends has been taboo until now and too difficult.

But tonight, 7.30 pm. The LNK show “KK2 Friday” will talk about the most sensitive moments and the departure of a young and energetic comedian.

“Vitaly and his wife’s vacation in Spain was carefully planned and highly anticipated. There was absolutely no sign that Vitaly had any health problems. Even on the eve of the sudden attack, we sat together, staring at the stars and everything was fine. And the next day –a terrible sudden disaster ”, one of V. Cololo’s closest friends, the singer Valdas Burnys, will share his memories. He’ll admit it: while time is running out, the wounds don’t heal, and there are still questions alive in his mind: how could it happen that a friend whom the doctors already called practically healthy and who planned to be discharged from the hospital suddenly fell apart? “fell” and died during the operation? Didn’t torture? Was everything possible done to save Vitaly?

Karolis Sakalauskas, another actor in the past and now an official, will testify that Vitalijus has always been bursting with energy and had endless plans. It is true that you see prophetic signs there, observing a period of almost ten years working together. Colleagues who created various comical situations laughed at almost everything, they have filmed both in the cemetery and at the funeral …

“The news of Vitaly’s death was a terrible shock. He was clenching his heart, shedding his sweat, he could not speak”, Karolis, who seems to be used to death, will have a hard time choosing the words. After all, now is A civil servant and at work often have to face dangerous confrontations.

At that time, actress Asta Baukutė still has the phone numbers of Vytautas Šapranauskas, Vytautas Šerėnas and Vitaljus Cololo on the phone. “Last fight, when I had an accident on a slippery road and barely survived, I unconsciously raised my eyes to the sky and asked:” Vitalija, Vytautas, will you let me stay here again? Because I was the only one left in the company, like a file … I realized that I was allowed to do so ”.

Singer Edmundas Kučinskas, whose father died at his hands very recently, will also share his special experiences in the sensitive show. The departure of their dear colleague Nelė Paltinienė, with whom they were very close, also caused Edmund great pain.

And the singer Rajis will tell how he said goodbye to his mother, who died in May.

Bow LNK. Photo
