Colleagues Experience Medical Death: “He Wrote: I’m choking, can’t speak.”


Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė is also reacting to this: the government is starting to speak louder about introducing a state of emergency and curfew.

“We communicated with him indirectly, he was short of breath, he had difficulty breathing and his condition was … I wrote him a letter, he wrote me that I was choking, breathing, I can’t speak. These were his last words in a letter to And it was extremely sensitive, “says Sigitas Kaktys, director of Mažeikiai Hospital.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Companions experience medical death: “He wrote that I am drowning, I cannot speak”

Mazeikiai lost a famous surgeon. The 57-year-old man suffered a COVID-19 infection. The medical community and colleagues are talking painfully about the loss of a colleague.

“He was a very sensitive manager. He was a public figure, a former member of the Mažeikiai District Municipal Council, as well as president of the Medical Union. He really was a very dynamic, active and life-loving person, ”says S. Kaktys.

The deceased tried to help not only his patients, but also the entire medical community. He was one of the founders of the Medical Movement.

“He was a learned man, he was the moderator of the Lithuanian medical movement in all our discussions, he had many ideas, a great loss. The man could work, help people, and save lives himself. Today we have what we have, ”says Jurgita Sejonienė, a member of Seimas.

The head of the Mažeikiai hospital assures that the surgeon did not complain about his health or other illnesses, speculating that the doctor acquired the COVID-19 infection from other patients.

“He has worked as a medical surgeon until now, he has held a simple position. His duty was to serve patients. The contact happened like a hard medicine, we cannot help being conscious. We are soldiers, we work. We do not know directly which patients come to us. , what do they bring. Colleagues are very sensitive to this common loss of ours, they are very worried. At the same time, they reevaluate their condition and think about the threats of COVID-19, how life turns unexpectedly, the loss affects everyone very badly ” said S. Kaktys.

In Lithuania, a total of 4 health professionals died from COVID-19. During yesterday, the laboratory detected another 3,159 new infections, killing 30 people. Lithuania’s morbidity rates are not decreasing. If trends do not change, the new government will also talk about introducing a state of emergency. This measure would allow the introduction of a curfew.

“If restrictions are needed, which are essentially curfew restrictions, then what applies in many European countries, probably in almost all European countries. Then the Seimas would have to ask for such restrictions to be put in place. If we do not agree , we acted and we did not follow the rules, understanding the seriousness of the situation, certain coercive measures will be needed ”, says Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

It is true that the opposition has other proposals to persuade the population to abide by the quarantine rules.

“Could be. Let’s break the curve and take U2 to Lithuania, and the concert will be free. We could beat COVID-19 and build a national stadium or something for the millions saved. Prime Minister, I like your hairstyle, but maybe I could. I mean, if we hit those 500 numbers in January, maybe I could entwine the box office, give the public the green light, ”says Giedrius Surplys, a member of Seimas.

“I will definitely be able to intertwine the coffers after quarantine because my hair will be so long that I will not be able to fix it any other way. There is nothing funny here. You are better “pjarščikas” than me. In this case, it is important to me that people understand what a serious situation is, ”says I. Šimonytė.

Members of the Council of Health Experts addressed the Seimas today. He reminded parliamentarians that more people died from COVID-19 this week in the country that Lithuania has members of the Seimas. The researchers note that the peak of coronavirus morbidity has not yet been reached.

“People have to stay home until the end of the holidays. Unless they have the necessary visits to health services or the assistance of a health service or psychologist,” said Vytautas Kasiulevičius, member of the Council of Health Experts. .

Lithuanian hospitals are overcrowded. There are 2,356 patients in the wards at the same time. The Santara clinics are in dire need of staff, not just doctors but support staff as well, prompting hospital administrators to start looking for volunteers.

“We need so much to get the blood from patients, to take the patient to some kind of examination, such as logistics, as the help of a courier. It is also needed in the laundry room, where everyone left. We don’t have anyone to carry these so-called clothes for us, ”says Jurga Šuminienė, deputy medical director of nursing at the Santara Clinics.

Anyone can volunteer. Santara clinics accept people without additional qualifications. Anyone who wants and can help should apply to the Lithuanian Red Cross.
