Colleagues and admirers accompany the dead Gediminas Girdvainis with brilliant thoughts: stubborn as a Samogitian and more than an actor – Lithuanian celebrities


On Wednesday night, Lithuania was shocked by the loss: Actor Gediminas Girdvainis died at the age of 77. Knowledge of the loss of a man. Delphi confirmed by his wife, actress Kristina Andrejauskaitė. As the message spreads more widely, her colleagues and friends make no secret of her sadness over the extinct life of talent.

Delphi contacting the actress Monika Vaičiulyte, she did not hide her sadness and added that little by little her great inspirers are appearing.

“From a distance, light and talent improved in childhood. When I grew up close, I got to know that light and warmth … feel … Thanks for the advice to Gediminas … For a sensitive person and true authority … And I expected to meet on stage twice … my heart broke for me. It hurt. Very. How empty will we stay … P.S. And the eyes, as I see them now, are so penetrating, both blue and real … The real man, the real actor, “he shared his thoughts with sensitivity.

The death of a colleague also affected the actor. Ramūnas Cicėnas, who shared sad knowledge on social networks.

“Actor Gediminas Girdvainis died. Rest in peace, Gediminas, “he wrote briefly but delicately.

Gintarė Latvėnaitė Facebook also expressed sad thoughts and made a moment out of acting.

“I do not remember anything”. The last wonderful role of Leo created by Gediminas Girdvainis. Relax in peace. Compassion for loved ones, “the actress yelled.

The colleagues of the country’s famous theater and cinema actor, who left Anapilin, say that Lithuania has lost a very large artist and an excellent artist who has created several memorable roles.

“I can’t believe it. I can’t understand that everything ended so suddenly … The Lithuanian public lost a very big artist,” the actress told BNS on Wednesday night. Vaiva Mainelytė.

She said that she had known G. Girdvainis for several decades.

During this time, according to one of the most famous Lithuanian actors, several brilliant roles were created together with G. Girdvainis, and during those years the friendship became especially close.

“And we’ve been filming together in the Familiars for so many years, not to mention the Devil’s Bride, where her role was like a business card. Those eyes are so hot. Anyway, she always created roles without sparing herself,” said the actress.

“All the birthdays, all the vacations were together. As we say, and joy, and sadness. Our friendship was more than school, it is more a relationship,” he said.

Artistic director of Vilnius Small Theater, theater director. Rhymes Tuminas The news of his colleague’s death was received at clinics in southern Germany.

He regretted not being able to attend the funeral because of this.

According to R. Tumin, his colleague and friend G. Girdvainis was a special actor, as well as a special person.

“I think the Lord will smile at you. He was a stubborn man like a Samogitian, silent, mysterious, without words, not very talkative (…) He did not want to be an eternal Pinchuk or a comic actor, “the director told BNS.

“I was proud that G. Girdvainis is with us,” he said.

R. Tumin also remembers working with the actor, saying that it took him a little patience to work with G. Girdvainis.

“It took patience to wait for his gunpowder to run out, to throw it away, to find one way or another, to be patient, to see sometimes what he wants, what he wants,” Tumin said.

According to him, G. Girdvainis was a particularly individual, universal and talented actor who left a lot of theater in his life.

“His versatility is that on paper you could see him as a master of comedy, then as a teacher of drama, the beginning of the tragedy,” said the theater director.

The country’s leaders also express sympathy.

The country’s leaders also express their condolences to the family, relatives and the entire Lithuanian theater community regarding the actor’s death.

“We have lost a particularly talented actor, a sincere, open and courageous person. The roles created by Gediminas Girdvainis will always be an important part of the history of Lithuanian theater and cinema,” the president said in a statement. Gypsies Nausėda.

According to the Prime Minister Saulius SkvernelisLithuanian culture has lost an exclusive actor.

“Lithuanian culture has lost an exceptionally talented actor who has created memorable roles on stage and in movies. His works have received several prizes, and the Government’s Culture and Art Prize has been awarded with great merits, “said the Head of Government in his condolences.

“On the death of Gediminas Girdvainis, I express my sincere condolences to family, friends and to the entire cultural community of the country,” he says.

Speaker of the Seimas Victor Francis He says that G. Girdvainis’ name will remain inseparable from the history of Lithuanian theater and cinema forever.

“His unforgettable roles in the most famous Lithuanian films contributed to the strengthening of the Lithuanian language and culture during the oppression and the first period of independence. This legacy will long adorn the world of Lithuanian art. Sincere condolences to the artist’s family and fans of her talent, “said the head of parliament.

More about G. Girdvainis

Along with all of Lithuania, the actor’s mourning on Wednesday night was announced by the Vilnius Little Theater, where G. Girdvainis worked.

The actor received the Grand Order’s Vytautas Officer’s Cross in 2004, and the Government’s Culture and Art Award in 2007.

G. Girdvainis was born in Kretinga in 1944, graduated from the Lithuanian Conservatory and has been working in the Vilnius Small Theater since 1994, previously working in Šiauliai and in youth theaters.

The actor has played several well-known roles in theatrical performances, and has been playing in the movies since 1968, and one of his most notable roles is the role of a railwayman Jogaila on the television series Giminims.
