Coastal jewel that aims to become a tourist center: in summer, the population of Karklė increases 10 times


On warm days, life boils in Karklė: campers walking by, spending summers with towels on their shoulders, and newcomers quietly sipping coffee in cafes. In the background you can hear the roar of the sea and the trees and the forging of construction artifacts. Builders are booming here too: various buildings are being built intensively.

Tourism experts believe that the coastal town will still have to decide whether to become another tourist favorite, but will inevitably sacrifice the peace of the locals or maintain authenticity as much as possible.

From the campsite to the hotel

Currently, popular vacation registration sites offer more than twenty places to stay in Karklė. The choice ranges from tents to luxury hotels. However, even here there are places for weekends, just for each other.

The system shows that during the next weekend, employment in Karklė exceeds 90 percent. Some guesthouses no longer have seating throughout the summer.

Photo by Aurelia Jašinskienė / / Camping in Karklė

Photo by Aurelia Jašinskienė / / Camping in Karklė

“We have chosen Karklė for the second year. We bring bikes here, we spend a lot of time actively, for example, we go to Palanga. Yesterday we spent an evening getting to know Palanga Park. Today we are going to have dinner in the old town of Klaipeda. From the morning the children They bathed in the sea. It is fascinating that there is not as much commerce here as, for example, in Palanga. Last year, we were not happy to find forests by the sea. And all, only after opening the door. The children built castles and they cried during the day. No unnecessary noise, a crowded beach, where there is not even anywhere to sit. Karklė turned out to be perfect for us “, – with 15 minutes Andrius and Asta from Vilnius shared their observations of their vacation in Karklė. They were glad that there are places to eat here too, there are several cafes.

To the beach – by train

According to Daiva Buivydienė, director of the Klaipėda District Tourist Information Center, Karklė really has every opportunity to apply to become a tourist area. She could pursue this status together with the nearby Kukuliškės, Nemirseta.

“There are tourist attractions, beaches with benches and garbage. The municipality strives for rescuers to also appear on the beaches, ”said D.Buivydienė.

The biggest novelty was the so-called coastal express: the possibility of reaching Karklė by train. “A Vilnius resident who came up with the idea to go to the beach – Nida, Palanga or Karklė – buys a train ticket for the so-called coastal express. If you go to Palanga, get off the train in Kretinga. There is a bus to Palanga waiting for you. If you go to Nida or Karklė, get off at Klaipeda and continue your journey by bus. So this year we also managed to put Karklė on this route. We are watching how we are doing and we are happy that there are travelers, “said the Head of ICT for Klaipėda district.

She noted that Karklė is most often chosen by families with young children. A trampoline park is also open for them this year. “The accommodation sector is very developed. We recently surveyed. From the modest to the truly luxurious. There are also courtyards with swimming pools,” said D.Buivydienė.

She noted that Karklė is most often chosen by families with young children. A trampoline park is also open for them this year.

However, according to her, for Karklė to acquire the status of a tourist area, it is necessary to fulfill several conditions, which this village has not yet been able to implement. One of them is having a medical institution. “Now there are several private providers, like yoga and massages, but that is not enough,” he explained.

There should also be police guards and rescuers in the resort area. However, the deciding factor is the support of the local population, the Seaside Regional Park.

Seniūnaitė: “It is important how it would affect the locals”

Karklė elder Rasa Bučienė said that during the hot season the population is enriched by the population almost tenfold. Locals feel this not only due to increased car traffic, but also by turning off the water tap. Water shortage is often found.

“I don’t think the locals would react badly if a tourist area appeared here. There was a discussion once, but we did not meet certain criteria. However, it is important to assess, and the impact on the environment, the local population. Wouldn’t it cause more inconvenience as a result? ”said the interlocutor.

Photo by Aurelia Jašinskienė / / Beach in Karklė

Photo by Aurelia Jašinskienė / / Beach in Karklė

According to R.Bučienė, the locals are proud of the natural values ​​of this area and await visitors who appreciate nature and take a walk along the forest trails. “Not to eat or drink, but to feel the presence in nature. I would actively spend time on it, because we have great health trails, beautiful places, ”said the local resident.

About 300 people currently live in Karklė. About a tenth of them are involved in the tourism business. It is estimated that there may be 3,000 people in Karklė on summer weekends.

Encourage the choice of bicycles

“Maybe I didn’t prepare that post, and so many people here,” joked Darius Nicius, the manager of Seaside Regional Park.

According to him, a person is always used to comparing everything. “When he’s close to Palanga, Nida – inevitably starts to compare Karklė as well. If we take basketball terms, Palanga would be like in the NBA league, and Karklė doesn’t make it to that league. It’s a town with all the characteristics of a town. But at the same time having the opportunity to go somewhere “, considered the interlocutor.

According to him, it is natural that Karklė is changing, there is potential to improve the infrastructure.

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / / Regional Park by the Sea

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / / Regional Park by the Sea

“From what we see now, it is becoming a residential / recreational area. Some owners live here, some rent. The question arises where to turn: whether to stay as a residential area or as a recreational area. If we answer this question, we would know where the infrastructure needs to go, ”said D. Nicius.

Tourists sometimes wonder why there are no fixed toilets and drinking water on the beaches. It must be explained that the beaches here are natural or also called wild.

“The club has two extremes. The more infrastructure there is, the more people there will be. The trend is that in summer there are more visitors when the weather is good than there are opportunities to receive,” said D. Nicius.

The Karklė elder said the goal was to attract travelers to come here by bicycle and in other ways. However, as the park manager pointed out, there is no shortage of people willing to exchange coffee here, but there are no bike rental companies.

“There are parking spaces. However, this trend: how many of them will be installed, it will still not be enough. Therefore, we must look for ways to encourage people to travel differently,” said D. Nicius.
