Classes remain empty: decrease in the number of students equals the number of residents of Joniškis


In the fall of 2019, 29.8 thousand students were admitted to general education schools. The number of newbies, compared to the situation a year ago, increased by 1.1 thousand. A total of 325.7 thousand people started the school year in 2019. students

21.5 thousand expiration certificates received. graduates, i. 1.6 thousand less than a year ago More than two thirds of them continued their studies at universities (36%), colleges (21.3%) and vocational training institutions (10.1%).

The department announces that 28.6 thousand people have worked in general education schools since the beginning of the school year. teachers and school leaders, or about 0.5 thousand. less than in the 2018-2019 school year.

27.8 thousand people studied in vocational training institutions. students, up to half of them, i. 14.5 thousand sought to acquire secondary education along with the profession. In all, 12,100 graduated from vocational schools last year. students, 3.7 thousand. They also obtained expiration certificates.

38% study in Lithuanian higher education institutions. Young people between 20 and 24 years old, a total of 105.9 thousand people started this school year. students, two thirds of them, i. 73 thousand, studied in universities, the remaining 32.9 thousand. – In the universities.

Compared to the situation a year ago, the number of students in universities decreased by 4.3 thousand, in universities, by 1 thousand. In non-state higher education institutions, i. at seven universities and ten colleges, 11.2 thousand, or about a tenth of all students, studied.

Last year, 24.2 thousand people were admitted to colleges and universities. students – 1.1 thousand. less than in 2018. Last year, 24.8 thousand graduated from higher education institutions. people: 10.1 thousand. students earned a bachelor’s degree, 6.5 thousand. – master’s or doctorate in art, 412 other students completed their residency, 273 – pedagogical studies.

Universities and colleges mainly trained specialists in administration and business (4.8 thousand), engineering (3.2 thousand), health sciences (3.6 thousand), social sciences (1.8 thousand), law (1, 3 thousand) specialists.

6.2 thousand students studied in the country’s universities. foreigners: they represented around 8.5 percent. students from all universities. There were 481 of them in universities.

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