Choose kat maie? – Business beginnings


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

The current energy reform aims to abolish the state monopoly on the supply of electricity and allow companies in the energy sector to provide modern and consumer-friendly services. Therefore, all citizens entering the first stage of the liberalization of the electricity market must choose an independent provider. But so far there is lack of punctuality, electricity consumers fly in the dark.

the first stage includes those residents who consume more than 5,000 kWh of electricity per year. The offers are coming in abundance from them, unlike the consultants of an independent expert in the Lithuanian market.

There is little time left for consumers to make a decision before December 10. The contract with the old public provider expires in 2021. January 1 However, it is not necessary that if the contract with an independent provider is not signed before December 10, the power supply will be cut off. The guaranteed electricity supply will be chosen automatically by the Energy Distribution Operator (ESO) for a period of time (up to 6 months), but it is expected to be more expensive, it is estimated that the share of the purchase price of electricity is a 25% higher than the exchange price of electricity.

Therefore, consumers are urged to choose an independent provider without delay. Currently, five independent providers intend to supply electricity to domestic customers: Elektrum Lietuva, Enefit, Ignitis, Inregnum and Perlas Energija. Almost all of them send consumers multiple times with various plan offers, prices, discounts, etc.

But so far for the consumer all this future and splions. Providers claim that all offers are tailored to each consumer. Some loan a natural energy card, others offer one-time or full-contract discounts.

This, for example, Ignitis in Times demands haste and points to three reasons why it should be delayed. First of all, as already mentioned, if the supplier is not chosen on time, the price of electricity may increase.

Second, according to Mons, the price will change every month without choosing a supplier. Emissions planning can be difficult even in terms of average consumption.

And three, Ignitis says, you’ll have to change your proius. You will need to report the readings and take other actions in the warranty provider’s customer service channels at self-service or by phone. It is necessary that if you have declared and paid for the electricity meter readings on the Ignitis self-service website so far, you will not be able to do so.

Due to urgency, there are other opinions, some experts simply advise not to rush, because there is still no fitness. Also, even with ESO’s guaranteed power supply, it can be waived after one month when the actual prices and conditions of the independent provider are reached.

Virgilijus Poderys, the former chairman of the Seimas Energy Committee and currently an independent expert on the market, also advises against attacks. According to him, perhaps it is even better to specify the deadline for choosing a provider, because many things can be much earlier.

The differences in power supply are endless. Energy in general wonders why such aiotas, dsta plaekovas are produced.

It is necessary to know the term of termination of the contract, how easily it will be possible to terminate the contract. Silau takes simple day / night plans, as many users have now. I don’t think the offers are tailored to each user individually, says V. Poderys. He also advises to break down whether there is an unstressed deal on the subscription or post-management fees.

Some market innovators claim that the contracts themselves will be signed in a couple of months or a few months, after which it will be earlier how prices change and what prices are applied. It is advisable to compare the offers of various suppliers when accepting the supplier’s offer, to evaluate not only the offer price, but also other terms of the contract, that is, if there are flexible possibilities to terminate the contract and change supplier, etc.

According to V, consumers themselves should continue to take expert advice and remaining advice for the decision. However, it is a new experience for them, an area that they do not understand well, so they feel discomfort. So it’s probably worth hearing some comments on market innovations. Experts advise not to be afraid or in a hurry, especially since the differences between independent providers are not great. It is important to go into detail about the termination period and all the conditions. And do not forget that in case of suspicion of violation of consumer rights, it is possible to go to the State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

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