Chili Holdings restaurant chain suspended during quarantine Business


According to Jonas Karosas, director of Čili Holdings, which runs a chain of 27 restaurants, this time the quarantine was being prepared and it was not as unexpected as in spring.

“We believe we have learned the lessons of spring and have done our homework: we are preparing for the second wave of the pandemic and the quarantine period. After evaluating previous experience, this time we decided to close the entire restaurant chain immediately.

I want to make sure that we do not fire any workers during this quarantine period due to downtime. We value our employees and will do everything we can to keep jobs. We will also settle accounts with our employees and partners, according to the provisions of labor relations and the law, ”J. Karosas is quoted in the company’s press release.

Photo from personal archive / Jonas Karosas, director of Čili pica

Photo from personal archive / Jonas Karosas, director of Čili pica

During the quarantine period, 23 Čili Pizza and 4 Soya restaurants operated by Čili Holdings are suspended. The Čili Pizza and Soya franchised restaurants in Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Utena, Alytus, Marijampolė and Čili Take Away in Vilnius will organize your work at their discretion.

According to Karos, on this occasion take-away food was rejected because previous experience has shown that the habits of the population do not change as much during the pandemic, and the Take away service does not generate income that covers commercial costs.

In order to minimize the financial losses of employees due to the introduction of quarantine, restaurant employees will be offered to temporarily relocate to work in the online shopping center “”.

“In these difficult times, companies must show solidarity and help each other. As the holiday period approaches, the need for temporary employees in e-commerce is always increasing, so we plan to employ up to fifty employees of Čili restaurants Pizza during quarantine, ”said Ernestas Kačerauskas, marketing manager at

According to E. Kačerauskas, employees of the Čili Holdings restaurant chain should work in the physical stores of the store in Vilnius, Kaunas, Šiauliai and Panevėžys.

The quarantine is introduced into the country for three weeks starting on November 7. According to J.Karos, the quarantine period generates many uncertainties about the implementation of the business.

“There is still an open question about rent compensation. We understand that the state is going through a difficult period, but businesses cannot stay in the dark. We are committed to paying the rent for the premises, but we will not be in business most of the time. We are awaiting the operational decisions of the government, if the incurred losses will be compensated and in what way ”, said J. Karosas.
