children will return to class, waiting for regular tests and additional measures


The Ministry asks those responsible for municipal administrations and educational institutions to be prepared in advance to give students the opportunity to take the test in schools. The Ministry of Health will provide the municipalities with the necessary tests.

“In September, all the students go back to class. It will be very important to comply with the necessary hygiene and public health conditions, which we were all used to last school. It should also become the norm and regular medical check-ups, so voluntary testing of students would be recommended in all cases, ”says Jurgita Šiugždinienė, Minister of Education, Science and Sports.

The SMSM suggests that in the new school year, distance learning could only take place in cases where the epidemiological situation drastically deteriorates or if COVID-19 outbreaks in the classroom force students to isolate themselves.

During isolation, a class, several classes, or if the outbreak of the disease had covered the entire school, all the students in the school would be learning remotely for some time.

Preschool, preschool, primary education, postgraduate education is emphasized as contact even in a very difficult pandemic situation.

The guidelines also recall that unvaccinated and unvaccinated contact workers will need to be tested before returning to work and periodically every 7 to 10 days thereafter.

According to the report, the MESM is coordinating with the Ministry of Health the possible detailed scenarios for the work of educational institutions, which would depend on the level of the pandemic.

The final scenario projects and their implementation will still be discussed with experts and representatives of the educational community, but in all cases the same principle is followed: as long as the pandemic situation allows it, education is carried out in a contact manner.

In rare cases, hybrid teaching could be used, where some students connect to the lesson in the classroom remotely.

The SMSM would allow hybrid learning for children at home when a medical commission has assigned home training for highly qualified athletes, preparation for Olympics of international subjects, international students or exchange programs, as well as those in isolation due to a pandemic. .

Currently, hybrid training equipment is being purchased for two thousand classes: headphones that suppress extraneous noise, wearable robotic cameras and more.

“If, due to the epidemiological situation or other reasons, some children have to learn at a distance, we recommend avoiding a hybrid approach where part of the class is at a distance and another in the classroom, especially if there is no adequate technique that allows quality teaching in the classroom and distance education students simultaneously. In such cases, we recommend combining sets of classes and teaching one class at a distance and the other in contact form “, says the Minister.

Starting in the new school year, it will be possible to reassign classes for a time and to form temporary groups for the study of separate subjects of students in parallel classes or combining students from no more than two adjacent classes.

The Ministry also recalls that the Education Law imposes the obligation on the student to comply with all its conditions when entering into a teaching contract and, therefore, to attend school, and to the parents to ensure that the child is prepared and attends. to school.

“Parents should not allow a child to go to school arbitrarily or require distance education only. If education at the school is conducted in a contact manner and there are no objective circumstances that prevent the child from studying in the classroom, he must attend school ”, emphasizes the Minister.

School leaders are asked to pay more attention to student attendance and to seek the help of child rights specialists if abuses are observed if parents do not guarantee the child’s rights and obligations to study.

According to the ministry, from September to December, funds will be allocated and additional consultations will continue to help students make up for the learning losses they have experienced in the previous school year.

To fund the consultations, that is, to compensate teachers for additional hours of work, 5.1 million are provided. by the end of 2021. It is planned that schools can provide around 20 additional consultations for each class established in September-December.

10.04 million are also allocated. 1,000 million euros in aid to education to increase the salaries of specialists and create new positions in the new school year.
