Children outside after 10pm: is this considered neglect?


Parents’ orders to return home with their children up to a tenth are often moths. Child psychologist Milda Karklytė-Palevičienė cautions that it is not safe to be alone in the yard when it is dark; anything can happen.

“Of course, it depends on the location and the circumstances, but if under normal circumstances, there is a risk. If so, it is the parents’ responsibility to reduce it wisely, “she said, warning that it should not be hyperglobal, but if necessary, it should not be afraid of it.

At night: a sleep routine, no playground games

If we think about a child’s health and healthy development, the afternoon time should be devoted to a proper sleep routine. Rest, sleep is important. The psychologist pointed out to the adolescents: it is no secret, the latter are beginning to fight for independence, but it is not certain that they are in the courtyard at that time (around the tenth night), therefore, it would also be useful to evaluate the risk.

According to the psychologist, negative emotions experienced at twilight, fright, some unexpected shock, may respond to the child’s future: adherence to being alone in an open space, a feeling of anxiety and insecurity can arise.

Are children harmed by outdoor walks with their parents? “If the environment is safe, why not?” M. Karklytė-Palevičienė did not see the problem.

When asked how to get the children used to the routine, the psychologist answered simply: it depends on the relationship between parents and children. “The better it is, the closer it is, the easier it is to agree. Also, a lot depends on the established rules: how consistently are they followed?”, Explained the interlocutor.

According to her, children’s attempts to protest are stifled by a clearly defined limit. Parents should explain to their children why one or the other behavior is inappropriate and what are the benefits of not doing so. “Let’s say you are stronger, healthier. Such conversations are good lessons for the future of children,” says M. Karklytė-Palevičien está.

The child may not understand immediately, but according to the psychologist, all his attitudes should be maintained. “How to achieve this? Understanding the law of consequence would help. In other words, knowing what will happen if the rules are not followed can help here, ”he said.

But these are not threats. In general, according to M. Karklytė-Palevičienė, his parents resort to despair: it is more convenient. This does not lead to long-term good, both in terms of behavior and relationship with parents.

“What we say we have to do, otherwise the children will understand: the parents will speak, but they will not do anything. In the eyes of the child, we lose authority, the words become weightless,” he advised to be careful, adding that the saying “I will give a reward” does not work, on the contrary, it is destructive. There is nothing better than the ability to want your child to act without coercion, showing meaning and benefit.

Ilma Skuodienė, head of the State Service for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Adoption, said that if a child does not listen, it is necessary to look for certain agreements and ways of agreeing and communicating.

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The interlocutor emphasized that parents are responsible for the education and care of the child: they know their offspring better, they know the biological time, the needs and the opportunities.

The Framework Law for the Protection of Children’s Rights defines that children under the age of six cannot be left alone without the care of people over the age of 14.

“Up to six years – such a limit is considered dangerous to be left alone due to age, limited life experience, the ability to react differently to situations – your health and life are in danger,” explained I. Skuodienė, and He added that it is not considered negligence to leave a 7-13 year old child for up to fifteen minutes. It is important to evaluate children’s opportunities. The same provisions apply in the home, on the patio and after ten at night.

According to the interlocutor, the law does not regulate the time that children are outdoors; Common sense and reasonableness must be followed. This will definitely help you decide if it is safe to leave a 4-7 year old alone in the yard.

The child has the right to rest and fall asleep, so when planning longer nights, according to I. Skuodienė, it is important to evaluate this circumstance. If the summer holidays, a trip, a picnic – then he lies and then he gets up, the agreement of each family. However, if school and lessons wait in the morning, the duration of sleep should be sufficient.

“It is important to assess children’s opportunities: if they can be left alone at home, how prepared are they. Pay attention to the environment, be it safe, ready for the child to be alone at home or sharp and flammable objects out of reach. It was explained to the child what cannot be done with the garbage, “said I. Skuodienė.

Each situation, each circumstance, she says, is individual, and children are different. Some second graders are ready to take care of themselves, they are independent. They can cook, eat, play, and others are unable to, even as a fifth.

“We must evaluate the environment, the talents, the willingness to be alone, the independence. The older brothers can take care of the young person, but are they ready for that? Every child needs to be listened to, their opinion and abilities evaluated,” advised the interviewee.

If after the tenth night the children run on the playground, the Children’s Rights Protection Service could not react in any way. Do not drive through the yards and do not begin to assess the child’s situation. “It just caught our eye then. The keynote speakers are close relatives, emotionally involved people, the police, the school, kindergartens, neighbors, and the children themselves. After receiving such information, we evaluated possible violations of children’s rights.” , I. Skuodienė presented the work of the service.

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