2019 The historical drama released in 1986 revolves around 1986. in April, when the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster occurred. The explosion that took place in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was recorded as one of the worst man-made disasters in the world.
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So on Saturday night Chernobyl, who gained incredible popularity during the BAFTA TV Craft Awards virtual awards, won seven awards: Best Music (Composer Hildur Gudnetutir), Best Direction (Director Johan Renckas), Best Costume design (Dick), for the best photography and lighting (cinematographer Jakob Ihre), for sound, film production and editing.
Photo from Sister Pictures and Sky Television / Chernobyl Series
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the award ceremony was conducted by Stephen Mangan in a special studio. The solemn ceremony was previously scheduled to take place in April, but was postponed due to the coronavirus situation.
This year’s awards were also available on the special BAFTA channels on Facebook and YouTube.