Chelsea fans protest and angry messages to Rudiger after F. Lampard firing


Chelsea London officially announced on Tuesday that they have become the new coach of the England team Thomas tuchelis, with which an 18-month contract was signed. Thuchell replaced the club legend as head coach Franka Lamparda.

Not all Chelsea fans enjoyed this move. The “circus continues” sign was hung at Stamford Bridge Stadium on Wednesday. Additionally, fans unhappy with Lampard’s firing “flooded” Anthony Rudigerio social media accounts, forcing him to leave the club. Previously, rumors spread that A. Rudiger is not satisfied with his role at the club. It was thought that he was the one who contributed the most to the deterioration of the atmosphere in the club.

“I heard crazy things about Tony Rudiger on social media today. This is complete nonsense. Toni is like an older brother for everyone ”, blocked the team’s friend Tammy abrahamas.

Lampard’s firing surprised other Premier League coaches. Jose Mourinho called it the “brutality of modern football”, and Jurgenas Kloppas noted that the Chelsea owner Roman abramovich He is not the most patient man in the world.

Chelsea put in an incredible effort during the player transfer window. More time is needed after such changes. It is cruel to make such a decisive decision so soon. Mr Abramovich, of course, gives you some opportunities, money, players, but he is certainly not the most patient person in the world, ”said a Liverpool strategist.

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