Chef R. Galvonas Shared 2 Simple Fasting Recipes – Fish Lovers Will Be Impressed


According to R. Galvonas, fasting for him, as for many Lithuanians, is a custom inherited from the generation of parents and grandparents, which he tries to follow as sincerely as possible every year.

“I think fasting is a good opportunity to take a break from the urgency of life in this fast-paced world. I try to fast before every Easter, because for me it is a great way to cleanse not only the body but also the soul, to look for inspiration, especially since it is easy to discover many delicious products and traditional or more modern fasting recipes “, says the interlocutor.

Traditional recipes – untouchables

The chef extends that traditional fasting food is always associated with herring, served with stewed carrots, various mushroom dishes such as meatballs, different acidic foods: cabbage, beets or apples.

“I try very hard to keep the traditions and taste all the dishes that my mother or my grandmother makes during the fast. You can say that these foods are sacred, so even when I prepare them myself I try to do everything as required by ancient recipes, ”says R. Galvonas.

Trying to surprise your loved ones with new recipes

The young chef points out that if he does not correct authentic recipes, it does not mean that it is not possible to compensate for new traditions and elaborate recipes that he himself has invented.

“I am constantly trying to surprise my family with something, because no matter how delicious the dishes prepared by our ancestors are, try to try this and that new. After all, one day my recipes will become true family traditions and our great-grandchildren will consider them inviolable.

That is why today I am sharing with you two simple, attractive and delicious recipes for halibut and herring tartare, for which I found all the necessary products in the Lidl store. I hope these dishes perfectly complement your fasting menu, ”says R. Galvonas.

Herb Crusted Halibut served with Bulgur Wheat and Vegetables

Fried halibut, also known as Atlantic halibut – an excellent and quick gourmet dish for dinner or lunch, everyone will like it, because it can substitute for the so-called Lithuanian chenac.

But it is a healthier and more gourmet option that fits perfectly into your fasting diet.

Will need:

  • 400g car,
  • 70 g of breadcrumbs,
  • 50 g of Grana Padano cheese
  • 30 g of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, basil, thyme),
  • 100 g of bulgur grains,
  • 1 broccoli
  • 100 g of carrots,
  • 100 g of olive oil,
  • 1 lemon
  • 100 g cherry tomatoes,
  • 1 small bell pepper
  • 50 g of walnuts,
  • 15 g of herbal spice mix,
  • salt pepper,
  • 2 cloves of garlic

How to produce

Marinate the halibut with thyme, salt and garlic, sprinkle with olive oil. Pour bulguro grains into salted water and cook for 10 minutes. Like all other cereals, it is also important not to overcook them. We are preparing a herb crust. Put the breadcrumbs, chopped herbs, grated cheese and a little salt in an electric mixer. Rub for a few minutes until the crumbs turn green. The carrots, broccoli, and bell peppers are cut into sticks or cubes of the desired size. Pour a slice of olive oil over the boiled bulgur grains, add the spice mix, and add all the vegetables. Place the prepared bulgur grains in a small tin or in the glass bottom of a baking dish.

Wrap the top of the halibut (possibly the whole halibut) in green crumbs. We put pieces of halibut on top of the bulgur grains in a baking dish and place a few small halves of bell pepper or pieces of broccoli on the side as a decoration. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice and place in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 190 degrees. We put some basil leaves on the baked halibut. Delicious!

Herring tartare with quail eggs

Without fasting, you cannot imagine fasting. On this occasion I recommend preparing the herring in another way. Because we will make herring with the head, it will be much tastier and of better quality, and your tartar will be more and more loved!

Will need:

  • 2 headed herrings,
  • 1 avokado,
  • 70 g of celery stalk,
  • 70 g of pore,
  • 50 g of sun-dried tomatoes,
  • 2 slices of rye bread,
  • 5 quail eggs
  • 20 g of vegetables (dill, parsley, basil, thyme),
  • avocado or olive oil,
  • salt pepper,
  • garlic cloves.

How to produce

Avocado, celery stalk, leek and diced dried tomatoes. Gutting herring is completely simple. We cut off its head, then its tail and insert a knife under its belly. We cut to the tail, then we take out the entrails and wash. Then we cut the entire back of the herring down to the bone. We peel the skin, dice, and have an amazing herring fillet! We cut the herring into strips.

We put all the vegetables in a common bowl and season with salt, pepper, garlic, herbs and olive oil. We mix everything. Boil the quail eggs. We press the bread slices through a metal ring, if you don’t have one, a round mug is perfect. Place a circle of bread at the bottom of the metal ring and add the herring mass and squeeze. Serve with greens and quail egg. Delicious!
