Chef Gian Luca Demarco shared the secrets of Italian Easter


Although the chef’s roots lie in the city of Volpiano, near Turin, with a population of approximately 15,000, his entire life has been simmering in Lithuania for more than a decade. Gian Luca is married to the Lithuanian Egle and has three children: Magda (8), Ben (7) and Martin (2).

After graduating from the IFSE Italian Culinary Institute and practicing in several Michelin-starred restaurants in northern Italy, Gian Luca bursts with energy: he set up his own culinary studio in Vilnius, runs a TV show about food, and last fall he took part in the musical project X Factor. Stars ”, where he reached the final.

Gian Luca Demarco

Gian Luca Demarco

© Photo from a personal album

Due to the current situation, Gian Luca cannot take practical classes in his culinary studio, therefore, next St. On the occasion of Easter, on March 30, he decided to meet people virtually, where he will not only share the recipe special for his mother’s holidays, but will also answer live questions from the audience.

Gian Luca Demarco himself spoke briefly about the upcoming virtual event, the Easter traditions in Lithuania and Italy, and why food is so important to Italians.

– You said that Easter is even more important for some Italian families than Christmas. Why?

– Historically and culturally, the Catholic Church has had a great influence in Italy. In Catholicism, Jesus Christ is born at Christmas and his devotion, sacrifice, death and resurrection are commemorated at Easter. Therefore, Easter is considered by many Italian families as a more important holiday even after Christmas.

– Do Italians, like Lithuanians, paint eggs?

– We have no such tradition in our country. We eat chocolate eggs, it is also a great treat.

Chocolate eggs

Chocolate eggs

– What do Italians do at Easter? What other Easter traditions are observed in Italy?

– Eat a lot, eat, eat and cook. Various processions, masses and ceremonies take place throughout Italy during the week. At Easter, we celebrate the very resurrection of Jesus Christ, so we sit down to eat with the family and spend time together. Monday after Easter is called Easter monday, or Easter. We spent this day with family or friends outdoors, baking meat in the parks.

– Lives in Lithuania for 12 years. What do you think of the Lithuanian Easter?

– Like very much! Our family in Lithuania celebrates Easter, before laying eggs, we bless them. There are no big differences between Lithuania and Italy; In both countries, Easter is a very important family holiday.

– Italian cuisine, one of the best in the world. Why is food so important there?

– Food in Italy unites family and friends, it is part of our culture. We cook a lot of food and sit together for a long time, we enjoy everything slowly, sometimes even for more than 4 hours! Food in Italy is so important that it is worth having dinner in any negotiation with an Italian. Then he will relax and it will be possible to work with him.

Easter Pigeon Pyragas

Easter Pigeon Pyragas

– What dishes should be on the Italian Easter table?

– In Italy, during Easter, there should be two dishes on the table: lamb and cake. Colomba (full name ‘Colomba di Pasqua’, which means Easter in April, so the shape of this bird and the cake itself – aut. Past). You will find a lamb in every Italian during Easter because it is blessing (palaiminimas – past aut.).

– On March 30, a virtual event “Italian Easter” will be held. Tell me more?

– Yes, we will laugh and produce together. I will share and tell more about Italian traditions, I have funny stories and tips for the audience. I will answer the questions live. It will be a lot of fun, I invite you all to join! You can buy tickets for our virtual meeting at

– What dishes will you cook there?

– Lamb ham with non-alcoholic white wine and chips, because, as I said, Italian Easter is unimaginable without lamb. I will share my mother’s recipe with the public, so we will make the lamb as it is prepared in my family. I really wanted it to come every year!

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