Cheapest PCR Outpatient Clinic – Queues – After calculating the cost of tests per week, you may want to get vaccinated


People’s interest in coronavirus testing was especially felt at the Vilnius Antakalnis Polyclinic. This treatment facility offers PCR testing at one of the lowest prices.

“Today, the number of people willing to perform the serological tests necessary for the passport of opportunities has increased considerably. With us, people are more active in registering for the PCR test, because we perform it much cheaper than in other medical institutions.

The number of serological tests has increased mainly because people want to check if they really have antibodies and can get a passport of opportunity. Those who have relapsed in the past and want to check if they still have antibodies, or those who have relapsed but did not have a positive PCR test at that time, are being investigated, “said Rūta Vanagienė, communication coordinator of the Antakalnis Polyclinic. the Delfi portal.

According to the interlocutor of the Antakalnis polyclinic, the PCR test costs 55 euros. If a certificate is also required, those traveling abroad have to pay an additional 5.32 euros. If the test is carried out with an opportunity passport and not with a certificate to travel abroad, it is not necessary to pay anything. This data will simply be entered automatically in the e. Health.

Cheapest PCR Outpatient Clinic - Queues - After calculating the cost of tests per week, you may want to get vaccinated

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

It is true that the results of the PCR test are valid for the passport of opportunity for only 48 hours from the time of sampling. Thus, if a passport is required to work and there is no opportunity to work from home, an unvaccinated person may also need two to three PCR tests per week, which would cost between € 110 and € 165. For some people, this can become an important motivation to get vaccinated.

Even with a certificate, the cost is lower than in many other laboratories, where such a test, depending on how it is carried out, costs more than 70 euros.

Antibody tests at the Antakalnis polyclinic cost 10.59 euros. Blood is drawn from a vein.

You can read where and how much coronavirus can be tested here.

R. Vanagienė said that despite the slight increase in queues, the investigation is proceeding fairly quickly. For example, you can still register for the next day for a PCR test, but the queue for the serological test is longer; you may need to wait 2-3 days.

The response from the PCR test is usually obtained after about 6 hours, but patients are said to have a response within 24 hours.

R. Vanagienė said that the Antakalnis Polyclinic laboratory is already planning to buy a second device for PCR coronavirus testing, because it believes that the need for testing will be really high. At present, additional personnel are also being sought for both sampling and testing, as it is not up to anyone other than the medical biologist to do this.

    National Public Health Laboratory

National Public Health Laboratory

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

PCR and serological tests are performed by several private laboratories. For example, the PCR tests of the UAB SK Impeks Medicinos diagnostikos centras, depending on the time they take, cost from 79 euros. COVID-19 PCR test of nasopharynx in 1 h. or within 12-30 hours. It costs between € 79 and € 140 and antibodies at € 15.

Eglė Užkuraitė, communication project manager of the Medical and Diagnostic Center, told the Delfi portal that so far there are no large queues that want to explore, but it is assumed that the number of people may increase by the end of the week.

“So far there is no influx, people are investigating how they have investigated. There may be an increase in people at the end of the week or the beginning of the next, or from September 13, when there will be final changes.

And now there are no queues, everyone who wants has time, ”said E. Užkuraitė.

People can also find out how many antibodies they have from the National Public Health Laboratory (NVSPL). Here, the test costs 14.88 euros (sampling is included in the price). Although serological tests are now relevant, so far there are no long lines in the laboratory.

So far, Affidea Lietuva’s lab, where the PCR test costs 79 euros, and the antibody test, 21-24 euros, has not seen a significant increase in the influx of those who want to perform the test. However, as Vitalijus Orlovas, director of Affidea Lietuva assured the Delfi portal, the institution is already preparing for the probable increase in the number of people who want to explore. It is true that a very marked increase in the scope of research may be hampered by the limited number of laboratory personnel.

“However, we follow what is happening in Lithuania, we understand that the summer season is coming to an end, travel is coming to an end, so the number of people who want to explore will increase. We are preparing for this greater influx, “said the interlocutor.

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