Chastity ‘peasants’ cut in the 2 billion euro distribution plan: the myth that it was hidden


In the Seimas, the LVŽS faction invited Finance Minister G. Skaistė to answer questions about a new investment plan called “New Lithuanian Generation”, which changes the “DNA of the Future Economy” plan.

The Finance Minister of Seimas G. Skaistė has explained that previously there were projects for 1,300 million euros in the DNA Plan for the Economy of the Future, of which slightly more than 1,000 million euros were planned. to be financed by the European Recovery Fund (EDF).

However, the new government deconstructed this plan and it was decided to fully cover the implementation of 41 of the 107 previous projects, for 484 million. of European funds.

G. Skaistė explained that 53 projects for 586.5 million were abandoned from the DNA plan. euros. It has been decided to implement 12 projects for an amount of 263 million. euros.

Farmer Lukas Savickas complained that less than two weeks before the deadline to present the plan, every minute is expensive.

“We will try to ask the Seimas committees to convene additional sessions according to their areas of supervision; there are endless questions and that attempt to discuss within an hour and a half is reminiscent of a parody.”

Lukas savickas

Lukas savickas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He asked what led to the situation where the public and parliament had only two weeks to review the draft plan, how the process of making the plan had taken more than 100 days.

“It seems to me that such a myth is here, that it is convenient for some to feed, that the plan was hidden. In my opinion, it was not hidden and coordinated as it was. Each ministry, elaborating the 7 components of the plan, organized the writing of the content and the coordination with the social partners ”, assured G. Skaistė.

According to her, the individual components were coordinated in parallel with the EC, which assessed whether the reforms were eligible for funding.

G. Skaistė stated that the EC received the last component of the plan on April 10 and on April 14 a conversation took place with the President of the EC, who confirmed that the reforms were adequate.

“So, it can be said, the plan was completed. The plan was made public on Friday the 17th. In my opinion, it was made public as soon as possible after its completion,” says G. Skaistė.

He agreed that as many discussions as possible should take place in the Seimas on the content of the plan, and constructive suggestions can be heard.

Valius Ąžuolas stated that Seimas already has experience and compared: “If we want as few adjustments and questions as possible, bring it in at the last minute.”

He argued that ADN was also coordinating with the EC and that the plan was intended to inject funds into the economy starting in 2021. However, the Lithuanian New Generation Plan foresees investments until 2026.

“As for the Ministry of Finance, this is relevant, because each euro is returned in the form of taxes. That is, if some of the projects were eligible for funding, why couldn’t they be launched for funding? ”V. Ąžuolas was surprised.

Oak Valius

Oak Valius

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

G. Skaistė replied that it was first necessary to find out how the projects are compatible with the reforms proposed by the new government.

“Knowing that they will be financed, then it is necessary to budget it so that the expenses can be made. This will be done when the budget is brought to the Seimas for improvement ”, promised G. Skaistė that the projects that have already been prepared will be able to start.

Members of the Seimas even suggested betting that the plan would not change by more than 5% during the remaining period of coordination, but G. Skaistė reiterated that it was important to harmonize the content and not pressure larger numbers.

G. Skaistė assured once again that the new plan does not aim at urgency, but at long-term reforms. According to her, most of the funds from the new plan will reach the economy in 2022-2024.

“Now there are exceptions to the Stability and Growth Pact, which means that we can borrow much more than usual. And when this exception expires, the economy will need support,” G. Skaistė justified the late start.

Former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis pointed out that the DNA plan was covered by royal finances, and the new government unjustifiably criticized the plan for unreasonable costs.

G. Skaistė explained that she had never said that the DNA plan was not covered by sources; it was deconstructed according to separate funding sources.

Saulius Skvernelis

Saulius Skvernelis

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“The funds that were planned in the RRF DNA plan have not yet received the blessing of the European Commission that they are related to reforms. Which raised questions for us: a lot of construction projects, how they relate to the indicators to be achieved, ”said G. Skaistė.

According to her, not all the projects complied with the reforms, and those that did were left in the new plan.

“I am not even saying that they are bad, they will be considered from other sources. If they are not related to reforms, it does not mean that the project is bad,” said G. Skaistė.

Earlier, President Gitanas Nausėda also commented on the new plan: the focus on reducing regional disparities, the private and non-governmental sectors was lost, as well as more discussions with the social partners. The plan is criticized by representatives of the municipalities and the Seimas.

Last Friday, Finance Minister G. Skaistė stated that the plan was being coordinated with the social partners and that the EC had not been asked not to present it publicly, so there were no unreasonable expectations.

Last week, the Ministry of Finance announced a draft of a new “Lithuanian New Generation” support plan, which is intended to use 2.225 billion EU funds. This plan allocates funds from the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF).

The deadline to present the plan is 2021. April 30

The plan drawn up foresees investments in three main directions: in the green course, the digital agenda and the implementation of the Council of Europe recommendations.

Green transformation will require the largest amount, 37 percent, of the plan’s funds: 823 million. euros. Investment in digitization is projected to account for 20%, or € 445 billion. euros. Education, health, the labor market and social inclusion, innovation and science continue.

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