Chaplinsk proposes not to feed unfounded hopes: herd immunity will not be created this winter


“Why keep vaccines if they are already available? In general, any health or prevention service must be accessible and acceptable. If initially the availability was limited by the lack of vaccines, now it is not available, now it is very important that the availability is not reduced by other artificial barriers such as registrations, queues, insufficient number of vaccination sites ”, said S. Čaplinskas.

The specialist did not rule out that, in the long run, people’s attitudes towards vaccines may also begin to interfere.

“If the level is reached where people who have doubts and want to be vaccinated will receive this procedure. And those people who doubt that they will not be vaccinated, “said S. Čaplinskas.

The specialist hoped that the electronic system interference problem would only deter some people from getting vaccinated for a while.

“Those people who understand why this medical device is needed will use it as soon as the opportunity arises,” said S. Čaplinskas.

The interlocutor of the program said that for a long time it has been known that “health is pathetic and it cannot be cured so quickly.”

“IT specialists shrug their shoulders and laugh at such a situation that cannot be solved,” said S. Čaplinskas.

Herd immunity is not a comprehensive solution

According to the specialist, it is a mistake to think that this pandemic can be solved by creating herd immunity.

“Herd immunity is just one part of the detention strategy. We have to think about how to stop the virus, because herd immunity will not be created this fall or this winter, “said S. Čaplinskas.

According to the interlocutor of the program, even if 70 percent are vaccinated. adults, the entire population will certainly not be vaccinated at this percentage.

“Even more, even if we vaccinate 70 percent. Lithuanian populations, be they European or global, will not be reached that quickly. It means that herd immunity will certainly not be achieved yet,” said S. Čaplinskas.

According to the specialist, the detention strategy includes all other measures in addition to mass vaccination, which is one of the main weapons against the virus.

“Now the speed of vaccination is very important, but diagnosis is also very important: its availability, speed and other means to protect each other,” said S. Čaplinskas.

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