Change in procedures for training and self-isolation of affected countries: exceptions to the power of some travelers


“Lithuania has adopted the Council of Europe recommendations, which we will implement according to the breakdown of countries; in Lithuania’s yellow zone, the isolation will apply only to those who come from the red or gray zone, but there are many exceptions, a test will be required or ten days of isolation will be applied, ”reported A. Veryga.

According to the Minister, the isolation will not apply to employees and the self-employed who perform jobs of special importance: medical care, border workers, posted workers, transport workers. Additionally, isolation restrictions will not apply to transportation providers, including freight vehicle drivers, as well as those traveling for essential health reasons, students and trainees commuters, people traveling for family reasons, or essential work. Exceptions will also apply to diplomats, people in transit, seafarers, journalists or business travelers.

“If this is simplified, basically they are only those who travel for recreational purposes, that is, tourists, recreational travelers, will be subject to certain restrictions, others who have some businesses, will not be subject to isolation,” explained the health worker. Minister of Defense.

Veryga argues that people who are not exempt from the COVID-19 test will also be excluded from isolation if they test negative for COVID-19.

“However, this does not mean that they will be able to move freely wherever they want. This study will be available for 48 hours. before arrival or it will be possible to act upon arrival in Lithuania, in which case it will be possible to simply follow the home work regime for 10 days, wear a mask everywhere and avoid public gatherings, ”he emphasized.

“If a person still refuses to take such a test or does not have it, they will not bring it, then isolation for 10 days will be applied. But again, in such cases, employers are encouraged to give the person the opportunity to working from home. This is done to avoid unnecessary incapacity for work, which costs the budget again, “the Minister also said.

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