Chained to the government’s assertion, he pointed to Nausėda: he does not see himself as the epicenter


On Tuesday, Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonytė discussed the nominations for the cabinet of ministers with President Gitanas Nausėda. Although some of the names given by the Prime Minister are not appropriate for the head of the country, it has not yet been revealed which politicians have not passed the test of the presidency. I. Šimonytė herself changes her mind about the possible presentation of other candidates.

According to President Antanas Bubnelis’ spokesman, G. Nausėda expressed doubts to I. Šimonyte about various candidates and, in the words of the representative, other candidates for these ministries can be sought. However, I. Šimonytė, who participated in the same press conference, denied such an agreement.

“I was able to confirm almost everything the esteemed Antanas said, perhaps an inaccuracy just crept in to the effect that today there were no agreements to find other candidates,” said I. Šimonytė.

Gypsy Naus Gda.  Ingrida Šimonytė

On Tuesday night, the prime minister said other candidates could be sought or redistributed between ministries among coalition partners.

“It is not just my choice and my platoon, it is also a reflection of certain coalition agreements, not only for specific people, but also for specific limits of responsibilities, for which a coalition party takes responsibility. If, say, it happens that a candidate, we agree that he needs to be changed, it may happen that the liability limits also need to be changed, ”the prime minister-designate told LRT on Tuesday.

He said that until the president met with all the ministerial candidates, until a common image emerged and until he spoke with the coalition partners, the future head of government could not promise that one or the other candidate would be replaced.

“It really needs to change along the way, especially since this is a coalition, especially since responsibilities may have to change and all of this can somehow delay the process of forming a government, all of this needs to be taken into account. and talk to each other when the president has a picture of all the candidates, ”said I. Šimonytė.

On Thursday, I. Šimonytė declared that the Government is collegially responsible for its work and for appointing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the prerogative of the Prime Minister.

“I have a Plan B my whole life, but it seems to me that there are many colors in this process that must be taken into account anyway, because here there is no such game, it does not fit or something. However, the government is a collegiate body that it is the collegiate responsible for its outcome, and it seems to me that the prime minister’s prerogative is to propose a cabinet that is the prime minister’s team and that goes to the radio, ”said I. Šimonytė.

“I am not saying that the president cannot have comments and opinions on the candidates. I think everyone has an opinion on the candidates and that is normal and the discussion continues. But, nevertheless, the impact on some personal composition is probably mainly political, and in such a political impact, the arguments are always very important in the political debate, “he added.

Gypsy Naus Gda.  Ingrida Šimonytė

The portal announced that Arūnas Dulkys, candidate for the post of Minister of Transport and Communications and conservative, Arūnas Dulkys, who is running for the portfolio of Minister of Health, was not fit for the Presidency. Neither the government representatives nor the presidential team commented on this information.

You need to look at the final stage

Simonas Gentvilas, a member of the Liberal Movement and candidate for Minister of the Environment, told the news portal that it is too early to talk about the division of ministries.

“We have to see the final stage. That the president must approve [ministrų kabinetą] it is the fact that the president has the opportunity not to approve something, a fact too. But we need to see the whole palette and address this situation.

Just as not a single candidate has come forward for the presidency, we want to see a complete palette. I think then the parties will decide in the course. In the end, time is running out, we have to find out as soon as possible, “said S. Gentvilas.

Simon Gentville

The politician said that the Liberal Movement had candidates for many ministries during the negotiations, but did not decide whether this list of candidates would have to be withdrawn if news of one or another inappropriate candidacy arrived from the palace in S. Daukantas square.

“There is an agreement of the coalition in joint works, we have agreed all the positions in the Seimas, the presidents and deputies of the committees, everything else is formulated. Now it is up to the ministries to get those answers. You see, it took a while. We can say more when we see the president’s decisions.

<...> The election took place on October 25, a good month and a half in power. I think the public also wants a faster acquisition. We are all working on this, we want it to be approved soon. [kandidatai], this is an expectation to be soon [Vyriausybė] formed ”, commented S. Gentvilas.

The president does not have to see himself as the epicenter

“The president has to be with that filter, very well, there is an additional filter that works with some kind of brake counter system, but that filter does not have to become an end in itself. The president can express his opinion, his fears, try to convince the prime minister that one or another candidate raises serious doubts and it is worth considering other possible options.

But the president does not see himself as the epicenter of everything that is happening. It is only a part of the executive, and it is their participation in the executive that is manifested through other instruments. He does not have to become prime minister, he has to understand who nominates him “, commented Rima Urbonaitė, political scientist at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), on the formation of the Cabinet of Ministers on the news portal program” Dienas pjūvis ” .

Rhyme Urbonaitė

The interlocutor considers that the president wanted to show that he takes the government formation process very seriously, that he is trying to avoid mistakes made in the past and does not want to repeat them in the future. According to R. Urbonaitė, the president is an entity that participates in the formation of the Government, the only question is whether the limits of its operation are not exceeded.

“We have a situation in which there is a pandemic outside the window that has begun to claim many victims, we are seeing death records and we are seeing that the situation does not improve. <...> On the other hand, the transition period is not so useful. Some try to go out with their bags, others try to carry, but they don’t know if it is worth carrying to come. We have a pretty chaotic period so obvious that we couldn’t afford that chaos, disorganization. In my opinion, the President did not value the importance of time today ”, said R. Urbonaitė.

The political scientist lacks content in the periodic press conferences organized by the presidency. According to R. Urbonaitė, when the president and his team do not speak, others begin to speak and the interpretations begin.

“It seems that the coalition was formed earlier than the president appreciates. This raises the question of what they think, how they think and what are their arguments,” said R. Urbonaitė.

Whose opinion is the most important: the prime minister or the president?

Former prime minister and MEP Andrius Kubilius discussed in the “Section of the Day” whether the prime minister should accept all the president’s statements about ministers.

“It just came to our attention then. And what will happen if, for example, the president remarks that, in his opinion, the health minister candidate Arūnas Dulkys does not have the necessary competence and experience, and the Prime Minister decides that she is convinced that he has such competencies that they would allow to be very strong Minister of Health.

In that case, should the president refrain from signing a government treaty that includes Mr. Dustys? Is the subjective opinion of the president, subjective, I emphasize, because the Dulkys candidate has no competition, more important than that of the prime minister? ”Reasoned A. Kubilius.

Andrius Kubilius

According to the MEP, G. Nausėda is in a very risky position in terms of public relations. A. Kubilius stated that if the Cabinet of Ministers with unsuitable candidates for president is approved, it will mean that G. Nausėda is not guided by objective criteria, but by subjective evaluation.

“We don’t know why Mr Dulkys doesn’t like the president, but at this point his argument will obviously not be very convincing. Today, it is difficult to say how the Prime Minister and the coalition will act or whether the Prime Minister should really take into These criteria are taken into account when deciding the composition of the Government.

<...> If he does not sign the list presented by the Prime Minister, the President, in my opinion, will exceed certain limits of his powers defined in the Constitution ”, A. Kubilius is convinced.

The president must approve the government before December 9.
