Cellophane offers money for the identity of officials: such a “hunt” is a crime


On the Internet, several anti-depilators and detectives share their versions and prove that the riots were caused by officials.

(117 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Police clashed with protesters near the Seimas

The most active family protesters, anti-taxi drivers and only protesters in the night riots are taking a new step and beginning the search for officers. Antanas Kandrotas, one of the most active instigators, convicted and still prosecuted for various scams, has announced that he will pay money to those who disclose the identities of the agents who worked during the riots.

“Who will send information that, oh, this, his name, this, such, we know that he is a police officer, giving incontrovertible evidence, <...> we will pay 100 euros for each one ”, says A. Kandrotas.

“I consider it a crime”, the Minister of the Interior, Agnė Bilotaitė, evaluated such request.

Both Cellophane and other protesters now explain that the riots were caused by the police themselves, security or even journalists. The evidence is provided by this video in which an officer warns people that it is dangerous for them to stand next to officers who have been stoned multiple times by rioters.

Such calls from officials to people standing next to the police and watching the action from the side rang out more than once. They asked people to resign because there had already been several clashes between protesters and officials at that time. The rioters threw stones at the police more than once and were clearly preparing for further attacks.

“These are coordinated, planned actions with very clear objectives in Lithuania. And I don’t think it happens by accident, but there are forces that unite it, and today we have that situation ”, says A. Bilotaitė.

Vitolda Račkova, one of the leaders of the Family Movement, who was detained for two days but was released, said she was trying to show that the riots were not caused by protesters, but by provocateurs. But the personalities of the rioters are made public.

The protesters immediately began searching for the man in the white blouse, who was one of the first to start throwing stones at the police before it even got dark. On the internet, the protesters said he was a policeman or a security provocateur. But Antanas Kandrotas himself did a short interview with him after the riots: “People probably don’t understand, because emotions are evoked and everything else, and don’t write nonsense. When a loved one was buried 10 days ago and completely different dirt spread, there are no words here. “

Another troublemaker appears to be friends with Vitolda Račkova herself. The record shows a man wearing a blue maik and a black backpack furiously throwing bottles at the police. The face of the same man can be seen in another post. He was probably later arrested by the police, because today, when Gražulis, who is spreading a lie about an alleged provocateur, poses with the leaders of the “Family Movement” released from detention, the same man poses and smiles at the same time .

Although Adelina Sabaliauskaitė and Vitolda Račkova have repeatedly asked not to throw stones at the police, their role in inciting riots really raises questions. Here Rachkova repeatedly incites the crowd in her broadcast: “Across the street, men, are you scared? Women? “

Later, she herself realized that riots were awaiting, gathered a larger force of protesters: “The men have just passed by. The woman asked to leave. Be good men, who are somewhere near the Seimas, come on, they will need your help here. If as much as I see now online everyone would be here, it would be more fun. “

Later, when the riots started, they spoke to someone about unnamed men. He was asked if they were still in place.

After a while, he is already arguing in a crowd with a man who is surprised that the protagonists of dubious reputation are playing the first violins in protest: “Cellophane something, that Peter from your company? Here’s the Astra event. That’s what we’re talking about, wait, the referendum initiative concluded today with provocation. “

Astra is a scandalous Lithuanian language teacher. Although Vitolda Račkova does not hide her critical attitude in the broadcast: “We are, as we know, probably a week before we publish the official dissociation.”

The facts show something else. Astra’s demonstration was broadcast all day on the Movimiento Familia channel, actively invited to vote and protest on Facebook, and another activist from the Movimiento Familia, Adelina Sabaliauskaitė, spoke on stage: “We can, we must, we must take our country!”

The Family Movement, while accusing the media of criticizing them for lies, provocations and even inciting the crowd to harass journalists, Rachkova wanted to speak to reporters on Friday to justify the accusations, and neither did Adelina. “

The conference at the Seimas was organized by Petras Gražulis, who calls Račkovas and Sabaliauskaitė political prisoners. However, Račkova herself, when Gražulis is not around, criticizes him: “What they do, Gražulis dyed his hair, I see, he dyed his hair, so p ******, so it is one from them. It’s a collection of points, right? Punctuation, politics. Plush. The nonsense is, you see. Menkysta “.

Laura Leščinskaitė does not hide her anger at the arrest. But this woman in the riots put on a real show: “Putin will come soon. And they will also take you out in armor, don’t think about it. Beautifull. “

The woman rushed to block the path to the officers’ cars and knelt with the others. Officials sprayed tear gas at the people blocking the road: “It filled his eyes. I knelt down, prayed to God and filled my eyes with gas. Do not, What will you do. Even prayer is no longer possible in a free Lithuania. “

After some time, the woman was detained and taken to a medical car.

Although the leaders of the Family Movement are trying to distance themselves from the riots and say that they have only filmed and exhorted not to throw stones, conversations can be heard in their own broadcasts with those who want to fight the police: “What is cruel? . Unfortunately it took a day for everything to start, it would be a mass. Now everyone is gone, you know. “

If we believed what one of the leaders of the ‘Family Movement’ was talking about to the protesters, four more buses had to reach the riots at night: “And now 4 buses are coming back from Šiauliai, they said they would not let them enter the city. Definitely there are detours. If the bus has already arrived this way, then don’t go back home, there are definitely ways to avoid. Call the Vilnius people here, they will tell you that in the winter we rode all the poles the best possible, we went to Vilnius and we didn’t tell anyone ”.

The newly baptized young people gathered looking at the photographs showing how they kicked the policemen. This even interested in Gražulis’ assistant, Puteikis.

The interior minister says police have identified 36 other rioters. 26 of its participants were detained that same night, and yesterday the court allowed 9 to be detained for a longer period.

According to the minister, some of the most active rioters have not only been convicted a dozen times, but are also involved in organized crime: “it is related to the structures of the criminal world.”

The security department says it had no information that Tuesday’s protest could have ended in riots, but informed heads of state about the risk activities of the Family Movement in January.
