
Pension funds using Lithuanian money are not lagging behind the world: more and more companies may be blacklisted

[ad_1] “This is a new reality in which, sooner or later, we must start operating,” says Tadas Gudaitis, director of Swedbank Investment Management, of the increasingly common three-letter ESG. ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) describes the principles of environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance, according to which a company …

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Justice Minister warns of Uspaskich MEP’s reports: worrying

[ad_1] According to information shared by V. Uspaskich, in Vilnius you can buy water from the Seimas member, Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė. Contact persons who distribute supposedly therapeutic water in other cities are also mentioned. “The pandemic is a great challenge not only for Lithuania, but also for the whole world. Lithuania …

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Leontjeva on a possible crisis of rapid economic growth: what everyone wanted will scare us

[ad_1] All the experts (Finance Minister Gintarės Skaistė, Director of the Lithuanian Social Research Center Boguslav Gruževskis, President of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) Elena Leontjeva, Chief Economist of Swedbank Nerijus Mačiulis, CEO and entrepreneur of the construction company Hanner Arvydas Avulis and the Investor Forum (CEO Rūta Skyrienė) …

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WHO warns that the COVID-19 pandemic will not be the last

[ad_1] He also condemned the “dangerously short-sighted” cycle of spending a lot of money on fighting outbreaks, with no effort whatsoever to prepare for future crises, stressed the WHO chief for the first time on the occasion of the International Day of Epidemic Preparedness. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for lessons …

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