
Nuclear errors: stray atomic bombs and inadvertent explosions

[ad_1] Nuclear reactors explode, flood or are affected by earthquakes, the consequence of natural disasters. However, the gunsmiths themselves often … lose those weapons. The pioneers of nuclear tests, scientists of the Third Reich in Germany, caused the first nuclear incident in the history of the world, when part of …

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Russia aims to vaccinate one in ten planets on the planet this year

[ad_1] “We have the capacity to supply up to 700 million vaccines this year. Kirill Dmitryev, executive director of the Russian State Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which supported the development of Sputnik V vaccines and is responsible for their production in foreign markets, said in an interview on Wednesday. “The …

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Lithuania begins preparing for life after pandemic

[ad_1] The president mentions this by congratulating Pope Francis on the eighth anniversary of his election, reports the Presidency. “Lithuania, like many other countries, with great internal efforts and close cooperation with other countries, is already beginning to prepare for life after the pandemic,” writes G. Nausėda in his congratulatory …

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President: Lithuania begins preparing for life after pandemic

[ad_1] The president mentions this by congratulating Pope Francis on the eighth anniversary of his election, reports the Presidency. “Lithuania, like many other countries, with great internal efforts and close cooperation with other countries, is already beginning to prepare for life after the pandemic,” writes G. Nausėda in his congratulatory …

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