
The Russian minister was assassinated during the exercise.

[ad_1] “The head of the Emergency Ministry, Yevgeny Zinichev, tragically died while rescuing a person,” the ministry said in a statement issued by the ministry. Mr. Zinichev was 55 years old. Vladimir Putin, Yevgeny Zinichev (in the background) Yevgeny Zinichev Itar-Tass / Scanpix According to one of the RBK sources, …

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congratulated Mr Skvernel and gave him his advice

[ad_1] “I congratulated the esteemed S. Skvernelis on the formation of a new faction. What has happened in recent months has largely demonstrated that the LVŽS faction has essentially two components. This is demonstrated by the results of the vote. The vote of S Skvernel and his colleagues deviated from …

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thermometer columns jump to 25 degrees

[ad_1] It will be felt a bit more in the northern part of Lithuania and will remain weak in the southern districts. The warmer air mass flows, so the temperature will rise to 19-22 degrees in many places, and in some places in the Southwest 23-24 degrees. On Thursday night, …

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