
Juozas, who suffers from a rare disease: “As soon as the body recovers, it is time to go back to the hospital. I don’t know how it’s going to end “Life

[ad_1] J.Andziulis felt health problems in 2015: weakness, dizziness appeared, he had to sit down, it was even difficult for him to tie his shoelaces. After the tests, the family doctor noticed an increase in the level of protein in the blood, so the patient was sent to consult various …

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LVŽS announces electoral program: appropriates three government documents, proposes to establish the post of deputy prime minister

[ad_1] At the beginning of the preamble, the LVŽS states that during the last four years it has demonstrated through its work that it consistently fulfills its obligations to the voters. “Since 2016. LVŽS in Lithuania implemented changes: people’s incomes grew, the state administration became more transparent, implemented structural reforms …

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New cases of Covid-19: most of them in Kaunas

[ad_1] After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 8 people became infected. The specialists could not determine the circumstances of the infection of 3 people. No import cases were registered during the previous day. 7 cases are associated with chimneys Four cases registered yesterday in Kaunas County are related to …

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