
For business The government’s ambitions are unexpected: why it will be possible to go to a store, but not to an outdoor cafe or sports club.

[ad_1] Opinions among the country’s business representatives on the planned restrictions introduced by the government on Wednesday differ by day and night, and there is a lack of clarity. It is feared that if the restrictions go into effect next week, there could be a lot of confusion, inconvenience and …

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works like a traditional flu vaccine

[ad_1] The pre-purchase agreement stipulates that the future of the transaction will depend on a decision by the European Union pharmaceutical supervisory authority, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), on whether Novavax can be used to vaccinate against COVID-19, the EC said. . in a sentence. If distribution is authorized, EU …

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BNS: Highlights of Wednesday

[ad_1] “Quarantine of the unvaccinated”. At the meeting, the government widely supported the proposals, which will significantly expand passport use and severely restrict services and activities for those without immunity. The Cabinet of Ministers allowed unvaccinated residents to do so until September 13. Reflexes: * It is expected that those …

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