
Employer representatives resent the uncertainty: on September 13, production at some companies simply will not take place

[ad_1] Experts discussed mandatory vaccination for representatives of certain professions on Tuesday in the “Dienos žinios” program of Žinių radijo. Sparrow – if a fully vaccinated person gets sick, nothing to worry about Professor Aurelija Žvirblienė from the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center, speaking about the third dose of the …

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Renata Šakalytė spoke about health problems

[ad_1] This Sunday, a new medical program “Sveikas rytojus” will begin on TV8 television, with four presenters at the helm: Dr. Irena Pivoriūnienė, plastic surgeon, one of the founders of Fi Clinica, Vygintas Kaikaris, family doctor Raimonda Plioplytė and VšĮ “Head by the illusionist Arvydas Stonys. The section “The Power …

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