
Cost of defective Registry Center systems: caused inconvenience to some companies and losses to others Business

[ad_1] Jolita Barkauskienė, director of the Medilita Orthopedic and Health Clinic, which is dedicated to the production and application of orthopedic products to patients, does not hide her disappointment: a private medical institution has not yet recovered from quarantined activity, and this week the work was paralyzed by a dysfunctional …

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Paluck: everyone who can work has to work

[ad_1] The Council of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) met on Friday to present a draft of the Seimas party’s electoral program. The LSDP council also discussed political issues. The president of the LSDP Gintautas Paluckas and the coordinator of the program’s preparation, the political scientist Liutauras Gudžinskas, presented …

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