
On Monday there will be confusion: hotels will give priority to the Opportunity Passport, sports clubs will try to do without it, water parks will not be operational yet

[ad_1] When the Passport of Opportunities (GP) goes live, not all exempt activities will open their doors immediately. The Druskininkai water park as well as the Vichy water park in Vilnius will be closed for the time being; it will be examined if there will be enough visitors after the …

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KFC restaurant in Šiauliai has opened: hungry people will be able to order food while sitting in the car

[ad_1] In the city center, on Gumbinės st. 4 (on the territory of the shopping and entertainment center “Saulės miestas”), located Self-service Restaurant type awaits visitors every day from 10 am to midnight. The new 300 m2. subway. The area restaurant is built in accordance with the latest international architectural …

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