
V. Andrejev, Head of the Highway Administration: “The state apparently pays to attract uncomfortable people” | Deal

[ad_1] V. Andrejev, the head of the Highway Administration, who has been fired since September, believes that highway construction companies may have illegally attempted to remove him from his post. This impression was especially reinforced by the STT announcement that the leader of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), Valdas Sutkus, …

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Coronavirus in the world: Brazil registers the highest mortality on the third day, the United States kills more than a thousand people per day

[ad_1] In Brazil, more than one patient infected with coronavirus dies per minute In Brazil, another 1,473 people infected with the new coronavirus died in the last day, the country recorded the highest death rate for the third consecutive day since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the health ministry said Thursday. …

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