
The reorganization of the Highway Administration, which returned to Seimas after the veto, again raises disputes between politicians. Deal

[ad_1] G.Nausėda says that based on the transformation of the Highway Directorate into a state company, since this will create the conditions for its efficiency and implementation of an advanced system of tolls for electric highways. However, the head of state vetoed the law, arguing that the majority of employees …

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Political fight between conservatives and Širinskienė hostage to the fullest: the real reason for this may be much deeper

[ad_1] After the Constitutional Court declared that the temporary commission of inquiry headed by “peasant” A. Širinskien investiga, which investigated the possible impact on decision-makers and political processes, had been formed in violation of the Constitution, and its Conclusions were illegal, the ruling coalition partners addressed President Gitan Nausėda. His …

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State bank, pharmacies, airlines: why the government is building its business at the end of the period Business

[ad_1] In the past three decades, the Lithuanian state has steadily reduced its influence on the economy by selling state companies and assets unrelated to the country’s strategic objectives, planning concession agreements, and increasing the number of independent members on the boards of directors of the state companies (SOE). Recently, …

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