
V. Andrejev, head of the Highway Administration, is dismissed

[ad_1] Aware: 2020-07-03 11:44 Renovated 12:23 Vitalijus Andrejevas, Head of the Lithuanian Highway Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (VŽ) The Ministry of Transport and Communications reports that “to guarantee the smooth and efficient work of the Lithuanian Highway Administration”, Vitalijus Andrejevas, the head …

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Having survived the crisis of the past, today we no longer see hope: after 27 years of operation, we have to close the door

[ad_1] Souvenir shops have doubts about the opening. According to Aldas Kikutis, head of the Lithuanian Toys and Souvenirs Association, the strict quarantine measures have had a significant impact on retail: stores, including those selling souvenirs, have been closed. According to him, the drop in billing and the shortage of …

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