
Tighter control of traders in markets – DELFI

[ad_1] AA According to the calculations of the State Tax Inspection, up to a third of the income or almost 10 million tons of income can be hidden in the markets. Therefore, the government, having slightly tightened merchant accounting and control requirements this year, promises to introduce next year’s electronic …

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Gift certificate coupon: behaved like a scam?

[ad_1] Živilė from Kaunas, who received the gift coupon, did not even think that it would significantly complicate everyday life. The woman could not use it to pay for the purchase in the electronic space and then recover the money. Could not find the code to enter “I received …

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The quarantine did not prevent the famous couple from opening the bar: “We have accumulated happiness, love and we want to share it” | Deal

[ad_1] Previously, the space where the bar called “Basanavičius courtyard” was located was not very attractive: behind the sushi restaurant was a warehouse belonging to the Palanga utility farm. According to A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova, the thought between Palanga street The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Rąžė river …

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The wealth of a rich Vilnius woman with a foreigner ended in a painful tragedy: she suffered special suffering before her death.

[ad_1] The Vilnius Regional Court is considering a criminal case in which S. Kukchishvili (born 1979) was charged on March 22 of last year. afternoon in Vilnius, St. Stepono g. Experts found that the woman had suffered particularly severe suffering before her death, with at least 36 stabs and cuts. …

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