
As the country’s reserves decline, a second wave of COVID-19 awaits: will we further increase debt reduction? The | Deal

[ad_1] Due to the three-month quarantine in Lithuania, the costs of social sickness insurance and social unemployment insurance increased more than planned, which is why the Government allowed the use of the accumulated Sodra reserve fund. It contained 606 million pre-quarantine. euros If the second wave of the coronavirus does …

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Fifteen new cases of coronavirus were identified

[ad_1] Laboratory of the VU Life Sciences Center, where samples of COVID-19 are analyzed. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ). Fifteen new coronavirus cases were confirmed last day, a total increase to 1,947, the health ministry said Monday. Added: 4 new import cases There are currently 254 individuals with coronaviruses, 1,601 …

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