
The investment of one million euros for the Lithuanian start-up created an artificial intelligence store Business

[ad_1] Lithuanian technology company Magma Solutions, which created Europe’s first artificial intelligence store Pixevia, attracted 1 million. investment in euros. They focus on the development and expansion of smart store technology in Europe. Venture capital funds Iron Wolf Capital, Open Circle Capital and Practica Capital, as well as business angels …

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Spouses who left for the US were trapped here for half a year because of the coronavirus – we felt like a horror in the movie when children, homes, and well-cared for businesses remained in Lithuania.

[ad_1] – Tell us when and why you went to the US How long did you have to stay there? – We went to the United States in early February, it was a planned business trip. We founded a company in the USA in 2016, so we have to fly …

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The state is considering buying a bank – DELFI Business

[ad_1] “The Commission (inter-institutional working group created by order of the Minister – BNS) must continue its work and examine various options, including the possible purchase of an existing bank.” We are talking about banks in our country, “R. Sinkevičius told the journalists on Wednesday after a meeting with President …

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