
Vilius Bernatonis: Using all measures to reduce trade restrictions: the constitutional duty of the government Business

[ad_1] Freedom of business, or in other words, freedom of economic activity, ensures that we have the life we ​​are used to, including health care, education, and social security. If anyone has any doubts about this statement, I would like to remind them that our salaries, pensions, social benefits, costs …

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Among the most influential journalists is the Lietuvos Rytas critic, Vytautas Bruveris, and other representatives of the media group.

[ad_1] Edmundas Jakilaitis, who was voted the most influential journalist last year, was not evaluated in this year’s poll because he retired from political journalism. This year, he was recognized as the most influential public figure. The experts also consider Rimvydas Valatka, reviewer, Rolandas Barysas, editor of Verslo žinios, Skirmantas …

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For Russia: a new Zelensky accent

[ad_1] Relations between the former Soviet republics deteriorated dramatically in 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula and began supporting armed separatists in eastern Ukraine. A decree issued by President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday ordered the blocking of the websites of 12 Russian media organizations in Ukraine. These include the …

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