
He began to explain how the conspiracy theory 5G and COVID-19 was born: designed for the greatest number of people to trust

[ad_1] Lithuanians also believed Lithuanians even started photographing new 5G communication antennas. Some believed that the quarantine was announced so that we could be at home and not see the bad guys hand over the antennas that are causing the COVID-19 outbreaks. Others have decided that COVID-19 vaccines are supposed …

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The world’s first German virologist to detect new COVID-19 symptoms is no longer a disappointment – he was naive

[ad_1] An excellent example of such bias was provided by two Der Spiegel journalists who recently spoke with Professor Christian Drosten: They simply picked up this virologist advising Angela Merkel on the pandemic and accused his scientific opponents of almost malicious activity: “More harm than coronavirus deniers last year, experts …

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The public is still looking for an answer to the question of what they hate the most: the quarantine or the Karbauskis

[ad_1] Slow opposition in the opposition, the lack of prominent party leaders, and a fragile organizational structure have highlighted these peasant problems. Delphi political scientists interviewed. Lack of opposition activity: the situation is favorable to the rulers As Bernaras Ivanovas, a political scientist at the Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), commented …

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I. imonyt: quarantine release plan – monday

[ad_1] Ingrida imonyt, prime minister. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V) Prime Minister Ingrid Imonyt says the government will approve a quarantine release plan on Monday. Added a section on Expedited Quarantine Release in the municipal part. I am absolutely convinced that we will be able to approve such a plan …

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The public is still looking for an answer to the question of what they hate the most: the quarantine or the Karbauskis

[ad_1] Slow opposition in the opposition, the lack of prominent party leaders, and a fragile organizational structure have highlighted these peasant problems. Delphi political scientists interviewed. Lack of opposition activity: the situation is favorable to the rulers As Bernaras Ivanovas, a political scientist at the Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), commented …

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