
The business plan is clear: it promises to open small shops, beauty salons, foreign trade next Monday – News

[ad_1] The government approved a quarantine release plan and plans to present specific exemptions to companies starting Wednesday of next week, likely Monday. The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė talks about the possibility of making decisions about shops, open-air commerce, beauty salons, outdoor training. It turns out that …

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The centennial Agnė Staupelytė surprises many with her choice: only when I went to the United States did I realize what I really wanted to do

[ad_1] According to Agnė, when choosing studies, graduates experience various fears, which she herself did not avoid, according to a press release. “For example, I was afraid that when choosing the exact sciences I would have to forget about creativity, and when choosing the humanities, on the contrary, I would …

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In the Paleckis case, the court will question Prunsk, Ivanov

[ad_1] According to judicial representative Vytautas Jončas, former interim president of the Lithuanian People’s Party, son of politician Kazimira Prunskienė Vaidotas Prunskus, representatives of this party Artūras Šidlauskas and Danguolė Tautvydienė and former leader of the pro-Soviet organization Jedinstvo were invited to testify at this hearing. V. Prunskus and V. …

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The big ones fear the release of the little ones: if the number of infections increases, there would be no one to work for

[ad_1] Sinkevičius: national facilitation is riskier Evaluating the government’s proposals to release the conditions for companies not at the municipal level, but at the national level, the director of the Lithuanian Municipal Association (LSA) Mindaugas Sinkevičius says that this step is more risky. Therefore, in his opinion, it would be …

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Valakampiai Bridge will ban heavy traffic

[ad_1] In order to stabilize the vertical displacements of the bridge deck, in 2007 part of the bridge deck was reinforced with new tensioned cables and concreting. This year, experts from the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University recommended that the same reinforcement work be carried out on the rest of the …

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