Carriers will breathe a little easier: the electronic declaration system has been restored at customs


Today, carriers can file declarations in both electronic and physical paper format.

“The operation of the National Traffic Control System (NTSC) has been restored and traffic declarations can be filed electronically.

Currently, the NTKS system is operating in pilot mode, the cancellation of the business continuity procedure will be announced separately ”, explained Vitas Volungevičius, Head of Communication of the Customs Department.

According to data from the State Border Guard Service, about 2.3 thousand people were waiting at the Lithuanian-Belarusian border on Saturday morning. trucks, most of them at the entrance to Lithuania.

Romas Austinskas, president of the Linava National Road Transport Association, said some drivers had been waiting at the border for several days. According to him, a day of inactivity of a tractor costs 300 euros.

Customs systems have not been operational since Tuesday. In case of failure of the main server, the trucks were not inspected electronically but on paper, which takes more time.
