Carrier Representative: Queues have moved to the UK-France border Business


“It’s still clogged, but drivers who have tests already skipped, additional ferries launched, the situation is being resolved,” Z. Buivydas told BNS on Thursday.

He said he had no exact data on how many Lithuanian truck drivers were waiting for the opportunity to leave the UK, but on Wednesday night, according to him, there were around 800 and the number could be cut in half.

“Of course, since it used to be that you came and in an hour or four you set sail, there won’t be, it will take a few days to level. But the amount of waiting should really be reduced, I spoke with several colleagues who changed tickets, additional ferries presented, like buying tickets on Monday, it was only 26 days, but they changed and today they boarded free, which means that the waiting time was reduced to two or three days. “Z. Buivydas said.

After France banned any transport from entering the UK via the English Channel, miles of queues formed at the port of Dover. The movement resumed on Wednesday for French or British tractor drivers who live in France and have a negative COVID-19 test.
