Cardiologist Šerpytis – on heart failure: it is really possible to prevent


The main symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, and swelling of the legs.

At the age of 60, only 1 percent. people suffer from this disease and one in ten people over the age of 80 suffers from heart failure. According to R. Šerpytis, this pathology is becoming more frequent as society ages around the world.

As the doctor told Knowledge Radio, heart failure is a pathological condition in which the ventricles of the heart are unable to expel enough blood to the small and large circulatory circuits.

Heart diseases

Heart diseases

Due to the lack of blood in the body, a person feels certain symptoms. The main symptoms are: shortness of breath, cough, general tiredness, leg swelling, weakness, high heart rate, chest pain, weight gain.

In older people, heart failure is even more dangerous because they usually have other comorbidities, they drink a lot of drugs, and the body copes worse with various diseases.

On a news radio show, the doctor asked how older people with cardiovascular disease respond to COVID-19 vaccines.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Vaccines are very useful for them because the effect of vaccines is usually weak and the complications of diseases are very complicated,” said R. Šerpytis.

Heart diseases

Heart diseases

The disease can be prevented

According to R. Šerpytis, it is really possible to protect yourself from heart failure. It was noted that 75 percent. heart failure patients previously had high blood pressure. And here you can try to cure high blood pressure not only with medication, but also with proper nutrition.

“It is hypertension that lasts for a long time, like 20 years, that causes those diseases that later cause heart failure. This is hypertension that causes myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, valve problems and the like ”, explained the doctor.

But it is certainly possible to prevent this disease. All you have to do is live healthy, eat healthy food, exercise.



“It is necessary for everyone to find a sport that they like and avoid weight gain. Lately, we have seen people gain a lot of weight, we have an overweight pandemic. So it is important to be physically active, to control your weight if it is increasing , take steps to lose too much weight, “said the interlocutor of the program.

The doctor emphasizes that everyone should know what their blood pressure is, if it is high, treat it, regulate high cholesterol. Also monitor your weight, physical activity, pay attention to what you eat.

R. Šerpytis gave an example of how to treat his body: “If we knew that we would have to drive a car for the rest of our lives, we would fill up the best gasoline, we would change our lubricants in an exemplary way, and if something went wrong, we would handle it immediately. “.

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