Car dealership crushed: millions of euros in tax evasion, 16 suspects arrested


Officers who made more than 60 searches during the operation found more than 100,000 euros in cash and other documents and data relevant to the pre-trial investigation. A total of 16 people were arrested.

“In our opinion, this is one of the largest police operations in recent times, arresting a large number of people,” began the press conference Rolandas Kiškis, head of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau (LCPB). “The operation is special because it involved more than 120 officers and is aimed at the shadow criminal business, the illegal automobile trade.”

VIDEO: A group of people who have become involved in the used car market have been arrested

He said that in 2 years the group acquired around 20 thousand. luxury cars from usa. Coroners found that at least half of these cars were forged documents.

“It was said 40 million. EUR, we assumed the actual amount was 80 million. Euros. Only more than 4 million tons of taxes. Euros were avoided,” said R. Kiškis.

According to the chief forensic scientist, the investigation also has an international dimension, as the activities were organized through offshore companies.

Furthermore, according to R. Kiškis, the main organizers of this tax evasion affair were arrested.

It was seconded by Zenonas Burokas, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Criminal Prosecution Department of the Attorney General’s Office, who said that one million damages had been done to the Lithuanian financial system.

Lithuanian police photo / Evidence stopped

Lithuanian police photo / Evidence stopped

He said there are 10 suspects currently under arrest, with a total of 4 million in their properties seized. euros.

“But only the initial damage has been calculated, which is calculated below, it is likely that VAT and business income tax have been avoided,” said the prosecutor.

He did not rule out the version that the damage caused to the state by non-payment of taxes could be several times higher than the 4 million that are currently named. euros.

“Imagine the damage done to the state, for such an amount it is possible to organize the maintenance of schools and kindergartens throughout the year. This situation is intolerable, “he said.

Lithuanian police photo / Evidence stopped

Lithuanian Police Photo / Detained Evidence

The preliminary investigation, which began this spring, is directed and coordinated by the Attorney General’s Office.

Pre-trial investigation of crimes under article 25 (3) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania (Organized Group), art. 2 d. Fraud, Art. 220 2 d. “Presentation of incorrect data on income, earnings or assets”, Art. 222 1 d. Fraudulent accounting, Art. 300 3, “Falsification of a document or alienation of a forged document.”
