Cancer struck Adui with lightning: tumor grew to the size of a grapefruit in a few weeks. Life


The tumor germinated without warning.

Ado’s official diagnosis is kidney cancer, stage III nephroblastoma. The disease developed so fast that the parents could not understand what was happening.

“In early October, we celebrated his first birthday and on November 22. They already sent us urgently to the Kaunas clinics and immediately placed us in the oncology department. At that time, the tumor was as big as grapefruit.

It was visible from behind as the boy walked, as well as a terribly bloated belly. Everything happened in an instant. When we sought help, the tumor had grown further. The echocopist in Marijampolė was scared: she said the tumor took up so much space that the liver was pushed somewhere under the ribs that it was not even possible to see them.

Photo from personal album / Skin with mom and sister

Photo from personal album / Skin with mom and sister

For me as a mother, my eyes are wide open, my tears are leaking, I do not understand what is written on that sheet, I only realize that something is very wrong, despite the very idea that I had cancer it didn’t happen at first. I thought it was just a referral.

As we later found out, tumors of this type actually grow very fast, they can double in a week. When he underwent surgery, its diameter was 14 cm, leaving only the edge of the kidney, although four short cycles of chemotherapy were administered before the operation to slightly shrink the tumor, “said Vaida Avižienienė, the boy’s mother.

As we later found out, tumors of this type actually grow very fast, they can double in a week.

The woman speculates that the first prophet of the disease may have been an unexpected illness of the child on the first day of November. She had a sudden high fever, but she was no longer showing any symptoms, a runny nose, a sore throat, or a cough. The next day, she also suddenly fell.

Unexpected message: treatment completed according to protocol

The operation was again followed by prolonged treatment with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, but the rest did not last long. Five months after the extraction of the kidney in the shelter, two derivatives of one centimeter in diameter were found again, and there were also suspicions that metastasis had occurred in the lungs. Because this tumor metastasizes to the liver or lungs. Computed tomography confirmed the doctors’ suspicions: there were so many metastases that it would be impossible to operate on all of them. Therefore, radiation therapy was used.

“There were no symptoms to predict that his lungs were affected in this way.” As the doctor said, they shouldn’t have been. Only when the metastases are reduced can they cause some irritation to the lungs, ”Vaida said.

According to her, doctors initially assured parents that this type of cancer is easily cured. And really, she knows more than one child who has been healed and is still in remission. However, her son was hit with the disease in all its severity.

Photo from personal album / Adas

Photo from personal album / Adas

After treatment, only a few foci remained in the right lung, which, according to doctors, were no longer active and were not feeding through the bloodstream, so there was no threat at the time. But when they started to grow a few months later, he decided to have surgery. After the operation, it turned out that they were angry and scattered, so chemotherapy is needed again.

After a time, the left lung was also operated on, because the cyst that started there started to grow rapidly and covered even half of the lung. Unfortunately, research has shown that she is outraged. But this time, the mother heard an unexpected message from the doctors: everything, the treatment according to the protocol was completed, all possible possibilities were exhausted. The parents’ last hope is for the experts, who are still being consulted by doctors, if it is possible to adapt another treatment scheme.

“Every time I heard that metastasis, I was concerned that I would have to go back to chemotherapy, which greatly weakened my son’s body. Last time I even had to experience sepsis. But at least he knew the treatment was there and maybe it would help.

Now we are left in complete ignorance. I asked if there is a treatment abroad, maybe I can try immunotherapy, but we still don’t have a clear answer. We are currently being treated by a homeopath to at least alleviate the side effects of the treatment, “said his mother.

The dream is to give the child a childhood.

The woman, who is raising an older daughter in Marijampolė along with her husband, admits that all these years have also been very difficult for her. She is being treated for depression a second time.

Personal photo from album / Skin with sister

Personal photo from album / Skin with sister

“For the first year, I really believed that I could handle everything and that everything would be fine.” But when the disease recurs and recurs as much as we try, we do not stay in remission for a year, it is very difficult.

Due to my son’s illness, I had to change jobs, although employers were very understanding and tolerant of my long-term newsletters. But when my mother went abroad, she no longer had anyone to leave to look after the children.

I found a night cleaning job so I could go out to work when the man returned from work. But there was a fixed-term contract. They warned me that I would work maybe only a month or two, luckily I worked half a year. I am currently unemployed. So far, I still receive a few hundred from the Employment Service, but benefits will stop starting next January. Who will hire me now with a sick child? Thought the interlocutor.

When asked what she was dreaming about now, the woman did not think for long: that her son would recover. Right now, he is completely different from the sick, like living silver: he runs, he plays, he is always happy and finally he begins to speak more. After all, due to cancer treatment, its development has been delayed for half a year. But the woman knows it: inside her body there is a tuning bomb that can explode at any time.

“I tell everyone: I don’t know what I will do in a week, I don’t know where I will be in a month, because everything can change in one night.” As much as possible, we seek help, we ask, we turn. At this point, thank God, the man has a job. We receive child disability benefits, child money. Your daily expenses are enough, we don’t even think about anything else. It is true, a visit to a homeopath: 65 euros, medicines: 70 euros, a repeated visit: 39 euros. However, we will take the last pants with my husband, but he will buy the medicine for the boy.

Photo from personal album / Adas

Photo from personal album / Adas

Our family has never had a long vacation. We mainly left for two days. Firstly, we cannot afford it financially, and secondly, we fear for the child’s health: not to overheat, to have eaten, to be drunk. Now everything is made by him.

Because chemotherapy has weakened his gut, we just have to rent accommodation that has a kitchen, because I have to cook for him myself. We don’t have money to walk around the cafes, and I won’t give you a sandwich. Now we are thinking of going to the Maritime Museum for a day to see the dolphin show. I want to give you a good impression: see dolphins, sail a boat, see and experience as much as possible.

I want to give you a good impression: see dolphins, sail a boat, see and experience as much as possible.

The older girl may feel a little resentful, but Adukas is so important to me now that I can’t even get away from him. I have to see what he is doing, I want him to smile as much as possible.

You will no longer return to the childhood you lost, but you want each day to be meaningful and happy now. And I keep telling myself that I can’t get tired, I can’t get sick, I can’t feel bad, because I have to do everything possible to be good for my children, “the woman opened.

If you have the opportunity to support the Ado family, you can do it as follows:

Mothers Charity and Union Support Foundation

A / s LT77 7300 0101 4079 5625 (Swedbank)

Task purpose: support for Aduku
