Can Donald Trump grace himself, his children, and his allies?


It would not be the first time

In the past, presidents of the United States have exercised their right to grant clemency.

The two cases were particularly noisy: Andrew Johnson pardoned former Confederates and Jimmy Carter fired those who evaded conscription during the Vietnam War, writes CNN.

There have been cases in which grace has been granted in the last days of the presidency. George HWBush in 1992 granted Christmas to people associated with scandals over the arms trade with Iran and support for Nicaraguan counterrevolutionaries (counterrevolutionaries).

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Jimmy Carteris

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Jimmy Carteris

On the last day in the White House, Bill Clinton granted a clemency to financier Marc Rich. The decision has been criticized, with Rich’s ex-wife, Denise Rich, donating a large sum to the Democratic Party and the Clinton Library.

The move was of interest to federal investigators, but no allegations were ultimately made, reports NPR.

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Trump has already granted grace

Earlier, Trump pardoned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza, former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who is friends with presidential attorney Rudy Giulian.

Trump’s decision to pardon former advisers Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, whose legal troubles are related to the president himself, writes the NPR, was the center of attention.

The charges against Stone and Flynn are part of a study by special investigator Robert Mueller of Trump’s possible campaign ties to Russia. The president called the investigation “hoax” and “witch hunt.” This generated speculation that there could be more cases of pardons.

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The investigation did not find sufficient evidence to accuse Trump’s conspiracy with Moscow. However, Mueller stressed that the president is not and is not fully justified.

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What else could there be on the list?

Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign leader who has been convicted of violating lobbying and financial crime rules, could be on the pardon list. He pleaded guilty to an investigation into Russia’s interference in the elections.

D. Trump also mentioned the granting of grace to P. Manáfort in the past.

The NPR notes that a pardon could also be granted to Trump Bannon, a former campaign leader and later chief White House strategist. He has been accused of defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors who donated money to build the US-Mexico border.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Steve'as Bannonas

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Steve’as Bannonas

D. Trump’s personal attorney, R. Giulianis, also found himself in the limelight of federal investigators. According to an NPR source, he is interested in her business and activities in Ukraine. The New York Times wrote that Giulianis and Trump had already discussed the possibility of granting him mercy. The president’s own lawyer denies it.

Grace to you and your family?

Trump may forgive himself or his family members in advance, even if they are not currently facing federal charges.

The president’s power to grant clemency is enshrined in the constitution, the head of state can grant clemency in advance, writes NPR.

The Justice Department website states that “it would be very unusual, but there have been cases where people have been pardoned who have not been charged.”

One such example is Gerald Ford’s pardon for former President Richard Nixon, who resigned after impeachment but was not charged.

„Scanpix“ / AP nuotr./Jaredas Kushneris ir Ivanka Trump

„Scanpix“ / AP nuotr./Jaredas Kushneris ir Ivanka Trump

CNN previously announced that Trump is considering granting clemency to his daughter and counselor Ivanka Trump, as well as her husband Jared Kushner. He worked for the Trump campaign and the White House.

The broadcaster also named Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, the president’s sons, as possible recipients of the clemency. They contributed to Trump’s campaigns and ran his business. Short Jr. Short Jr.

NPR specialists said Trump could forgive his children for actions taken over a period of time, even if police are currently unaware of the crimes committed.

This means that people who have received clemency cannot be prosecuted later for crimes committed during a certain period of time. However, such prior clemency would not protect them from prosecution by state or local officials, they would not have immunity from prosecution for crimes that occurred after the clemency was granted.

Trump said he would also have the right to be granted clemency, but so far no president has tried, experts say there is no consensus on the issue.

Frank Bowman, a constitutional law expert at Missouri Law School, told CNN that President-elect Joe Biden’s administration will not go after Trump.

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“Biden’s Justice Department will be very careful when accusing the former president, even if he is low. Not only would it be a bad precedent that could initiate the rematch through legal channels after the electoral return.

It would also be a huge distraction, and blame the guy who got $ 70 million. voting would be very difficult, despite the strength of the evidence. The least desired is his indictment and acquittal, “Bowman told the station.
