Can a new batch grow from it?


According to her, creating a party based on an issue is not easy, especially since at least several parliamentary forces claim to be in the same niche, to defend traditional families against threats.

“The fact that Uspaskich or Karbauskis have joined this march in one way or another shows that at least some politicians imagine that there is a niche to talk about the need to protect society from something. In this way, they show that they see their constituency there, ”R. Urbonaitė told Elta when the so-called“ family march ”began on Saturday.

According to the MRU speaker, even if there are ideas among the event organizers to grow another political party of the “march” in Lithuania, the reality and the ground for such political ambitions is unfavorable. A political party, says R. Urbonait señala, is not a one-time entity.

“A party cannot be limited to one issue, it needs a program that covers more than one area. So if in this case you are creating a party only against LGBT, against the Association Law, against the Istanbul Convention, before vaccination or the tests, it is natural that everything can be exhausted very quickly. There are many other things that are relevant to people, not the Association Law, which will not affect the majority of lives, but the pension system, the insurance system social, health and education systems ”, said the political scientist.

And although there are examples in Lithuanian history where political parties have emerged that pose only one question – such was the political force of the “Route of Courage” – R. Urbonaitė is skeptical about the possibility of this happening again. .

“There are parties, as well as parliamentarians, that are already occupying or trying to occupy a niche precisely on these issues, that traditional families are being attacked and the like,” said the MRU political scientist with the “peasant” and the “worker.” “parties in mind.

R. Urbonaitė also spoke cautiously about the possibilities that the initiators of the “march” could transform into successful public electoral committees. According to her, if the municipal elections were hand in hand with the ideas that are now often proposed by the promoters of the March for the Defense of the Family, there would hardly be enough support.

“If they ask you about economic matters, about the problems of self-government … After all, a poster will not be enough. I am against the Istanbul Convention, against vaccination, against the association. Such decisions do not they are within the prerogative of self-government. These are national problems. And at the national level, there are already parties that speak out on these issues, “said R. Urbonaitė.
