Judging from the global context, we are probably still at the forefront of cardiovascular and cardiovascular disease mortality among all Europeans. Fortunately, we have hawthorn, root, and valerian; the herbalist says that this “Holy Trinity” can help change the sad statistics of heart problems.
Not just for the heart and bloodstream
In the spring, Spinter conducted a study that, faced with heart problems, the public would choose hawthorn first (37%), then valerian preparations (30%). Only 6% would prioritize weeds. surveyed.
However, it is interesting that you encourage others: family, pharmacist, doctor to try herbal preparations. For some, the choice of this plant would also be determined by previous successful experiences, when the herb helped alleviate heart ailments.
When asked why this plant, according to people, does not make it to the top of the first aid list, herbalist Danutė Kunčienė considers a simple reason: the rhizome is a rather ugly and rough plant.
Hawthorn berries are bright and delicious, and the beautifully flowering valerian, whose specially cultivated plantations have never been in short supply in Lithuania, has always been widely publicized. Therefore, it can be said that we have a false first impression about the valuable properties of tubers and we do not know enough about them.
It is important to remember that each plant has different substances that can help a person in certain problems. If antidote banana juice suppresses abrasion or a bite, herb, hawthorn, or valerian certainly won’t help in this regard.
However, the three plants, according to D. Kunčienė, improve not only the activity of the heart and blood circulation, but also the digestive system :. And living in this age, we have to endure a lot of them. “
Weeds can be grown yourself
Herbalists recommend the herb for older women in early menopause or during heavy and painful periods. However, it should be avoided in pregnant women as this herb relaxes the uterine muscles.
“I remember my grandmother making us tea with her in the afternoons so we could sleep better, and drinking herself because her blood pressure was very low.
There were some herb flowers in the soups, saying that the belly did not “bite”. Therefore, the herb and its preparations are useful if you eat a lot of protein foods: lentils, beans ”, D. Kunčienė shares his experience.
If there is a possibility, the herbalist of this medicinal plant advises to grow it yourself, for example, buying seedlings in the Departments of Medicinal Plants of the Kaunas or Klaipeda Botanical Gardens. Vegetation is highly influenced by the soil in which it grows; if some need a “fuller,” others, including root crops, will feel better in a poorer, more natural environment.
The grasses remain on older farms, sometimes the seeds are dispersed and the plants can be found in the desert, but, as mentioned above, not everyone knows about them and knows their benefits. If the rootstock has already been separated, D. Kunčienė advises not to remove it from anywhere, for example, on the territory of the hospital: plants are living beings and collect information and energy not only from the soil, but also from the environment.
Revealed an effective ancient recipe for the heart.
The much more common hawthorn season begins in the spring – its shoots, leaves and flowers are valuable, and the mixture is the most useful, because the plant as a whole, as the herbalist cautions, is stronger than some of its particles.
You can pick hawthorn berries for your own needs and even make a coffee substitute from the seeds. D. Kunčienė calls hawthorn tincture the “bread” of the heart and shares a recipe that helped his father who had a heart problem.
“Now I use it myself, I recommend if someone asks me for advice on how to calm the heart naturally, improve sleep. So, on a holy day before the full moon, you need to pick hawthorn flowers and pour a handful of them into 100 g of hot melted butter. Then, without boiling, heat, leave, reheat the next day and do it for 3 days.
Finally, spread the externally prepared hawthorn blossom butter clockwise in the heart area and say a prayer: “From heart to heart, you are my only one, you are my dearest, I love you very much, you are very important to me, calm down, everything will be fine ”, she shares her experience as a herbalist.
Studies show that valerian root relieves physical and psychological stress, suppresses irritability, tension, anxiety, and improves blood pressure. Like the herb, it is useful for menstrual cramps and, of course, for sleep disorders.
So, for example, if you have a long car trip where you will have to drive, D. Kunčienė advises choosing herbs instead of valerian tincture: “Both will improve well-being and calm, but the herbal preparation will not sleep as well as valerian “.
The herbalist emphasizes that the greatest benefits of plants are revealed if they are used for a longer period of time. He also adds that not only vegetation, but also human hands, thought has healing powers: they will be revealed more effectively only with love, gratitude and humility after picking up and adding the plant to the sore spot.
Hostility and a lack of attitude that no one will help solve an existing health problem, as in many situations in life, does not promise anything good.