Called not to overdo it: several rules must be followed to prevent disinfectants from hurting


A recent report published in the American magazine Consumer Reports reviews the composition of cleaning and disinfection products. Unfortunately, she is not as innocent as she seems at first glance. Quaternary ammonium compounds are one of the most harmful components for us, and especially for our children. These compounds have been registered as pesticides by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Some disinfecting wipes contain bleach or hydrogen peroxide, and these substances are also not beneficial to health. However, quaternary ammonium compounds should be avoided as much as possible. But what is through the material?

Inhalation of these compounds has been shown to cause an asthma attack. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that disinfectant fluids containing chlorine or quaternary ammonium compounds cause more than 30 percent of schoolchildren. Pesticide-related injuries, such as damage to the eyes, skin, or respiratory tract.

Cleaning with alcohol from mangoes

Cleaning with alcohol from mangoes

Children have a higher risk of these compounds than adults. “Children breathe more air for every kilogram of their body weight than adults. Therefore, inhaling these compounds puts them at greater potential harm than adults, “Jerome Paulson, a pediatrician and professor emeritus at George Washington University, told Consumer Reports.

During a pandemic, we have become used to disinfecting surfaces more frequently than before to protect ourselves against the rapidly spreading coronavirus, but it is important to remember that disinfecting fluids can be dangerous to health and should be used with caution. Disinfectants should not be swallowed or ingested under any circumstances. They are poisonous and can cause serious health problems or even death. The same is true for medical spirits and alcohol-based disinfectants, such as hand sanitizer.

Also use caution when disinfecting children or the elderly. Make sure the room is well ventilated and take care that children do not touch freshly disinfected and still wet surfaces; let them dry completely.

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